Bill Lester

Updated: November 08, 2022 at 6:01 PM CST

General Information

Who is Bill Lester?
Bill Lester

Bill is a husband, father, and grandfather. He has been happily married to his wife, Sharon, for 31 years, 17 of which have been spent raising their family in Jacksonville. Bill and Sharon have seven children (four boys and three girls) and two grandchildren (one girl and one boy). Bill has been a student pastor at several churches and has served over 25 years in student ministry. He and his wife have also worked in children’s ministry and taught Sunday School throughout their marriage.

Bill received his MPA degree and a doctorate in political science. He was a Civitas Scholar in Washington, D.C. with The Center for Public Justice (Christian organization) and The American Enterprise Institute. As a Fulbright Scholar, Bill was given the opportunity to teach political science from a conservative American perspective to students abroad. He also had the privilege to serve on the Alabama State Republican Executive Committee.

In his younger days, Bill supported his family for a time working at a grain elevator. While in college, he ran his own shrimp distribution business and worked in roofing. Bill also has a lifetime certificate as a public school teacher.

Currently, he works as a professor in Emergency Management and Public Administration at Jacksonville State University.

Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
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Election History

Bill Lester from Jacksonville, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

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