Brock Colvin
General Information

I am a 5th-generation Marshall Countian. I learned the value of hard work at an early age working at the family business with my dad. I learned about fiscal responsibility and keeping taxes low.
My mom teaches at Snead State. I know we need to make sure our kids have a quality education but also learn trades so we can have a skilled workforce.
After college, I decided to live and work in Albertville because we need to give back to our community. We need real conservatives standing up for us!
Over this campaign, I want you to learn about my conservative plan for District 26. But most importantly, I ask for your vote to be your next Representative on May 24th.
Contact Information
Known contact information for Brock Colvin from Albertville, AL.
- Official Email: Unknown
Election History
Brock Colvin from Albertville, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
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