Frances Holk-Jones
General Information

Frances Holk-Jones represents State Farm in south Baldwin County and is the first ever, 4th generation State Farm agent in the country. As the President of Frances Holk Insurance Inc., she is consistently recognized as being in the top 2-3% of State Farm agents out of more than 19,000 agents nationwide.
Frances is a native of Baldwin County and learned the importance of public service while watching both her grandfather and father serve as Mayor of Foley. Their leadership instilled a passion for civic engagement and community service which Frances continues to hold dear to her heart. As Foley grew, Frances learned the importance of both economic development planning and the commitment to our community's family values.
As a part of Frances lifelong commitment to public service, she is a founding member of Foley Main Street and continues to serve as a board of director for this preservation-based economic development initiative. She also holds leadership positions across numerous civic organizations including the State Farm Agent and Associates of Alabama PAC, Gulf United Metro Business Organization (GUMBO), Baldwin County Republican Executive Committee, South Baldwin Republican Women, Baldwin County REALTORS ® Association, and Baldwin County Homebuilders Association. She is an Emeritus member for the Auburn University Dean’s Advisory Council for the College of Business and has served on the board of the National Auburn Alumni Association.
Frances works diligently to ensure that programs are available to enhance the quality of life for all Alabamians. She is proud to be the Vice President of the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center Care House, the President of the South Baldwin Health Foundation, a trustee for South Baldwin Regional Medical Center, a founding board member of Impact 100 Baldwin County, and past president of the Foley Rotary Club and the Gulf Shores Kiwanis Club. She is also involved with the American Heart Association of Baldwin County, the Coastal Art Center of Orange Beach Friends, the South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce (past chairman) and the Coastal Alabama Chamber of Commerce.
Frances is passionate about youth mental health, an illness that affects every 1 in 5 young adults ages 13 – 18. In honor of her late daughter Jennifer, she co-founded the Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to support our young children who don't need to face life's challenges alone. Since its inception, Frances has served as President and now Chairman of the Board bringing the concept of the Peer Helper Program to over 48 schools throughout Baldwin County. This comprehensive peer-to-peer prevention and support program is now a model used in schools throughout the country.
Contact Information
Known contact information for Frances Holk-Jones from Foley, AL.
- Official Email: Unknown
Election History
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