Jamie Ison

Updated: August 08, 2022 at 3:52 PM CST

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Jamie Ison

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
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Birthday: September 7, 1953 71

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View legislative bills that Jamie Ison has sponsored.

Contractors, public works contracts, timely payments, contractor required to timely pay a subcontractor for work completed, Sec. 8-29-3 am'd.
Mobile Co., judge of probate, recording fee, increased, storing of records on computers further provided for, Act 98-646, 1998 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Minors, Internet post, removal under certain circumstances
Code of Ethics, definition of principal expanded, lobbyist required to identify principals that stand to benefit from lobbyist activities, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-18 am'd.
Controlled substances, Schedule I, additional synthetic controlled substances and analogue substances included in, trafficking in controlled substance analogues, requisite weight increased, Secs. 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Taxation, tax deduction for taxpayers who made contributions to a catastrophe savings account, increase in state tax deduction, technical corrections to remove ambiguities, Homeowner's Insurance Catastrophic Event Planning Act, Secs. 40-18-311, 40-18-312 am'd.
Bishop State Community College, Southern Union State Community College, Bevill State Community College, and the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, who are part of the Alabama Career Center System to Department of Labor
Title loan business, licensure and regulation of, charges concerning title loans, definitions, penalties, Alabama Title Loan Act
Boundaries, state, territorial waters and submerged lands, limits and boundaries, Sec. 41-1-1 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, permit a retail licensee and state liquor store to conduct distilled liquor tastings, Sec. 28-3A-25 am'd.
Certified Public Accountants (CPA's), Public Accountancy Act, terms "attest" and "report" defined, nonresident certified public accountants with practicing privileges required to meet professional standards, Secs. 34-1-2, 34-1-16, 34-1-17 am'd.
Bestiality and possession of obscene matter depicting bestiality, crime established, penalties
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), tax sale property, expedited quiet title and foreclosure actions, further provided for, redemption further provided for, Secs. 11-70-1, 11-70-2, 11-70-3, 11-70-8 am'd.
University of South Alabama, board of trustees, members, term decreased, chair pro tempore authorized to call special meetings, Secs. 16-55-2, 16-55-5, 16-55-6 am'd.
Mobile Co., judge of probate, administrative divisions estab., appointment of chiefs, comp, Act 87, 1955 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE program), assessments for Alabama Health Care Trust Fund, use to fund Medicaid, licensure by Health Department
Veterans benefits, wife, widow, or child, postsecondary education, scholarships, requirement for veteran's service to have been during war or hazardous duty, deleted, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Community development, alcoholic beverages in annexed territory, Sec. 35-8B-1 am'd.

Mobile Co., alcoholic beverages, reasonable quantity purchased from military liquor or package stores, for active duty, active reserve status or retired Armed Forces allowed, civil penalties
Public employees, to receive annual summary of benefits received from employer
Taxation, exempt tangible assets, exempt real property whose original acquisition cost was less than $250.00, Sec. 40-9-1 am'd.
Liens on vessels, may attach to watercraft or vessel regardless of domicile of owner or home port of vessel, Sec. 35-11-60 am'd.
Community development, alcoholic beverages in annexed territory, Sec. 35-8B-1 am'd.
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Alcoholic beverages, purchases from military liquor stores or package store, active duty, active reserve status or retired armed forces, unlimited quantity allowed, Sec. 28-1-3.1 am'd.
Public School and College Authority, bonds, issuance of $30,000,000 million for schools damaged in tornados for improvements
Public education employees, salary increase, including K-12 and certain other designated education institutions, liability insurance program to be established by Finance Department in consultation with Education Department
Alabama Title Loan Act, licensure by Banking Dept., bonds, fees, penalties
Colleges and universities, residency for determining admission and tuition, active duty service members, spouses, dependents, veterans and other students considered resident students under certain conditions, Sec. 16-24-2 am'd.
Capital offenses, appeal directly to Alabama Supreme Court, Sec. 13A-5-53 am'd.
Oyster aquaculture, leasing of coastal waters by Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Shellfish Aquaculture Review Board created
Public School and College Authority, bonds, issuance of $35,000,000 million to schools damaged in April 27, 2012 and December 25, 2012, rebuild and equip, tornados
Public contracts, limited liability for a professional firm issued a certificate of authorization from the Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board for construction monitoring services agreed to in a public contract, exception
Aircraft, manufacturers of commercial aircraft or aircraft parts, statute of limitations, statute of repose, forum non conveniens provided in civil liability actions, allocation of fault, Alabama Commercial Aviation Business Improvement Act of 2013
Deferred presentment services, define principal balance, common database, limits on interest that can be charged, violations, Secs. 5-18A-2, 5-18A-12, 5-18A-13, 5-18A-16 am'd.
Gulf State Park, Legislature to approve sale or long-term lease of any state park property, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, proposal exempt from certain statutes, Chapter 14D of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14D-1 to 9-14D-5, inclusive, repealed
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Entities, dormant, exempt from business privilege tax, Sec. 40-14A-44 added
Infants, age of majority designated as 18 years for participation in college or university research, Sec. 26-1-1 am'd.
Smoking, in places of employment and public places, prohibited, State Board of Health to enforce, Alabama Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Insurance, out-of-state insurers, investments, cash equivalents exempted from quality and diversity requirements, Sec. 27-41-39 am'd.
Taxation, tax exemption for Class 1-5 municipalities cultural districts
Pardons and Paroles Board, Scottsboro Boys Act, posthumous pardons for certain convictions prior to 1932
Sales and use tax, aircraft parts used to refurbish cargo aircraft, use tax exemption further provided for, local government approval of local taxes, Sec. 40-23-62 am'd
Navigable waters, obstructing prohibited, civil enforcement, civil penalties, exceptions
Income tax, tax credit for rehabilitation, preservation, and development of certain historic structures
Mobile Co., judge of probate, administrative divisions estab., appointment of chiefs, comp, Act 87, 1955 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Higher Education, colleges and universities and postsecondary education, institutions authorized to charge resident tuition for nonresident distance learning, Secs. 16-64-2, 16-64-4 am'd.

Mobile Co., courts costs in circuit and district courts, additional, distrib. to Law Library Fund
Homeowners insurance, rate filings and related actuarial information for homeowners property insurance coverage in Alabama are public record, review available in office of Insurance Commissioner and via Insurance Department Internet website, exceptions regarding confidential information
Cigarettes, user fee added, distrib., Sec. 40-25-2 am'd.
Property insurance, hurricane deductible only applied on damages from named hurricane or tropical storm, certain personal lines insurance policies to offer voluntary buy-back provision, penalties
Homeowners insurance, counties contiguous to Mobile Bay and Gulf of Mexico, credits against insurance premium taxes for private property carriers who write coverage in Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4, geographic areas covered by Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association
Property insurers, commercial and residential, disclosure of discounts for construction or improvements to property to withstand windstorm damage
Catastrophe savings account, established, to cover insurance deductibles and other uninsured portions of risks of loss to owners of residential property owners from windstorm events, income tax deduction for deposits made to account
Homeowners insurance, carriers required to disclose actual costs of each item of coverage in annual renewal policy package, both as cost per $1,000 coverage and actual cost of each item of coverage, Homeowner's Insurance Cost Transparency Act
Taxation, privilege, business tax, provider exemption to dormant entities, Sec. 40-14A-44 added
Civil procedure, immunity from civil liability for a graduate of an accredited medical school
Education Options Act; provides for establishment of innovative schools and school systems via flexibility contracts with State Department of Education, authorizes establishment of public charter schools as part of public education system
Mobile County, county treasurers office abolished, Act 336, 1880-81 Reg. Sess., Act 175, 1884-85 Reg. Sess., Act 91-459, 1991 Reg. Sess., Act 97-535, 1997 Reg. Sess., repealed
Education Options Act; provides for establishment of innovative schools and school systems via flexibility contracts with State Department of Education, authorizes establishment of public charter schools as part of public education system
Retirement, Teachers (TRS) and State Employees (ERS), new defined benefit plan for persons entering TRS and ERS on or after January 1, 2013; contributions, minimum retirement ages, and benefits provided, Secs. 16-25-1, 16-25-3, 16-25-11.1, 16-25-14, 16-25-21, 36-26-36.1, 36-27-1, 36-27-4, 36-27-16, 36-27-24, 36-27-59 am'd
Animals, abuse, torture and cruelty defined, reporting requirements, penalties
Elections, presidential preference primary, counties where Mardi Gras recognized as county holiday and having special provisions, expenses reimbursable by state, retroactive effect, Sec. 17-16-2 am'd.
Military museum, Baldwin County designated as site for museum, Military Department authorized to cooperate with (2012-20417)
Taxation, exemption from sales and use tax for metal sold for investment purposes, Secs. 40-23-4, 40-23-62 am'd (2012-20369)
Mortgages, Alabama Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act, provides for timely payoff statements and timely recording of mortgage satisfaction, Secs. 35-10-26, 35-10-30 am'd
Foundation Program Fund, local boards of education authorized to establish local school calendar providing 180 instructional days for computation of benefits, Flexible School Calendar Act, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.; Act 2011-235, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Architects, registered, engineers and land surveyors, licensed professional, civil action alleging negligence requires third-party certificate of merit affidavit
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, civil immunity to water suppliers who are in compliance or receive an exemption from ADEM, Sec. 22-23-35.1 added
Alcoholic beverages, wine, bottle opened on premises of licensee, recorking or resealing, patron may transport in vehicle, not considered an open container, Sec. 28-3A-20.1 added
Criminal surveillance, enhanced criminal penalties for surveillance for purpose of sexual arousal or gratification, crime of aggravated criminal surveillance created
Insurance fraud, defined, investigations by Insurance Department, civil immunity for reporting fraud, Insurance Fraud Unit and fund created in Insurance Department, civil and criminal penalties, six year filing limit, Secs. 27-12A-1 to 27-12A-9, incl., 27-12A-20 to 27-12A-24, incl., 27-12A-40 to 27-12A-42, incl., added; Secs. 10A-20-6.16, 27-21A-23 am'd.
Secondary metals recycler, additional records to be maintained, purchases of specified metal property limited, registration with ACJIC, required, database of metal property sales created, criminal penalties, purchase of specified metal property prohibited, Secs. 13A-8-30 to 13A-8-37, inclusive, 13A-8-39 am'd; Secs. 13A-8-31.1, 13A-8-31.2, 13A-8-35.1, 13A-8-37.1, 13A-8-37.2 added
Taxation, tobacco products, tax on cigar wrappers, require business license, monthly reports, penalties, Secs. 40-25B-1 to 40-25B-11, inclusive, added
Taxation, state income tax credit relating to Class 1, 2, 3 municipalities for rehabilitation of historic structures
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Probate Judges, license to practice law required beginning with term after November 2012 General election, Sec12-13-31 am'd
Alcoholic beverages, beer, container size authorized, Sec. 28-3A-23 am'd.
Taxation, state income tax credit for investments, businesses in impoverished and low income communities.
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), city council, vacancies filled by a special election, setting of date, Sec. 11-44C-22 am'd.
Supplemental appropriations from Education Trust Fund to Education Department for teachers certified by National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (2012-20090)
Ethics, employees of local school system may receive up to two seasonal gifts valued less than $25, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd; Act 2010-764, 2010 First Sp. Sess. am'd
Mobile Co., dangerous dogs, procedures for declaring dog dangerous or a nuisance in unincorporated areas of county, registration requirement, penalties, Act 2008-127, 2008 Reg. Sess. repealed
Cockfighting, penalties increased, presence at cockfights, penalties, confiscation procedures, fines, terms defined, reporting procedures, Secs. 13A-12-4.1, 13A-12-4.2 added; Sec. 13A-12-4 am'd.
University of South Alabama, board of trustees, authorized to participate in meetings by telephone or video conference under certain conditions
University of South Alabama, president authorized to employ police officers, duties
Aircraft, certain, any parts, components, and systems used in the conversion, reconfiguration, or maintenance of, exempt from sales tax, not applicable to local sales tax unless approved, Sec. 40-23-4 am'd.
Immigration, legal status and/or proof of citizenship, verification of eligibility to enter into business transactions with state or political subdivision, Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification card authorized, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 31-13-29 am'd.

Pregnant women, umbilical cord blood, education regarding the potential benefits of donations, storage, and use, Umbilical Cord Blood Storage Information Act
Industrial Relations Department, transfer of certain employees from Bishop State Community College, Southern Union State Community College, Bevill State Community College, and the Postsecondary Education Department, who are part of the Alabama Career Center System to Industrial Relations Department
Public schools, K-12 instructional days, 180 instructional days or hourly equivalent for Foundation Program, local board of education with approval of State Superintendent of Education authorized to make up cancelled instructional days by adjusting the hours of actual instruction, flexibility for local boards of education in establishing school calendar by instructional hours and date parameters, Flexible School Calendar Act, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
University of South Alabama, president authorized to employ police officers, duties
Strengthen Alabama Homes Program, established within Insurance Department, funding for retrofitting insurable property to resist future loss due to hurricanes or windstorms
Economic development, tax incentives authorized to certain companies and educational institutions for locating new or expanding business in state, or a retention project, capital investment and job requirements, Alabama Development Office and Revenue Department to recommend to Governor, Industrial Development Authority to approve project for incentive (2011-20902)
Industrial Development Authority, members, composition altered to include President Pro Tempore of Senate or designee and Speaker of the House or designee, Sec. 41-10-25 am'd.
Elder Abuse, Interagency Council for the Prevention of, established, members, duties, subject to Sunset Law, reports to Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Governor, and Legislature, Elder Abuse Prevention Act
Education employees, procedures regarding employment actions of revised, Teacher Tenure Law and Fair Dismissal Act repealed, Students First Act, Sec. 16-24B-7, 16-24-1 to 16-24-22, inclusive, 36-26-100 to 36-26-116, inclusive, repealed
Commercial passenger aircraft with 50 seats or more, parts, components, systems, supplies, and ancillary items used in conversion or refurbishing of, sales tax exempt, Sec. 40-23-4 am'd.; Act 2010-514, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Public schools, K-12 instructional days, local board of education with approval of State Superintendent of Education authorized to make up cancelled instructional days by adjusting the hours of actual instruction, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), city council, vacancies filled by a special election, setting of date, Sec. 11-44C-22 am'd.
Sales and use tax, consumer use tax, Internet retailers required to inform Alabama purchasers of duty to pay required state and local sales tax, Revenue Department authorized to amend personal income tax forms to facilitate collection of tax on Internet sales, Secs. 40-23-89, 40-23-90 am'd. (2011-20358)
Property loss, statute of limitations to recover damages required to be commenced within two years from date of loss, Sec. 6-2-38 am'd.
Bisphenol A, manufacture, sale, and distribution of children's new reusable food or beverage containers containing, prohibited, penalties
Live saltwater bait license, regulation of shrimping areas for bait and the number of shrimp baskets licensee may have in his or her possession, license fees increased, expiration of licenses, regulation of bull minnow traps, Secs. 9-12-54.1, 9-12-54.2, 9-12-54.3, 9-12-54.4 am'd.
University of South Alabama, board of trustees, authorized to participate in meetings by telephone or video conference under certain conditions
Property insurance, hurricane deductible only applied on damages from named hurricane or tropical storm, certain personal lines insurance policies to offer voluntary buy-back provision, penalties
Schools, courses of instruction, definitions of profit and nonprofit clarified, additional nonprofit schools authorized to apply for exemption from licensure, Secs. 16-46-1, 16-46-3 am'd. (2011-20416)
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, gill net permits, voluntary buyback program, established, surcharge on saltwater fishing licenses, authorized, Secs. 9-12-232, 9-12-233, 9-12-234 am'd.
Child custody, parenting plan required, requirements, shared parenting unless parent found not fit by court, appellate review, Children's Family Act, Sec. 30-3-158 added; Secs. 30-3-150 to 30-3-155, inclusive, 30-3-157 am'd.; Secs. 30-3-1, 30-3-2, repealed
Beer, cider, and wine, homebrewing by adult persons for personal use authorized without taxation or licensure
Stalking in the first and second degree, aggravated stalking in the first and second degree, crimes further provided for, Tracy's Law, Secs. 13A-6-90.1, 13A-6-91.1 added; Secs. 13A-6-90, 13A-6-91 am'd.
Income tax credit authorized for employers creating jobs, under certain conditions, Full Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-270, 40-18-271, 40-18-272 repealed; Act 2010-557, 2010 Reg. Sess. repealed
Economic development, financial commitments to build or expand in Alabama, written contracts required within certain time period, existing commitments without written contract void after certain period of time
Teachers, educational support personnel, and other certified educational employees and student teachers, professional liability insurance, Education Department and Finance Department to purchase or provide by July 1, 2012, rules authorized, Teacher and Education Employee Protection Act
Agricultural tourist attractions, to be defined by rule and approved by Agriculture and Industries Department, application and renewal fees, directional signs under certain conditions (2011-20698)
Public elementary and secondary schools, start date of academic year, specified, School Start and End Date Act
Euthanasia of cats and dogs in animal shelters, gas chambers prohibited, delayed effective date, Beckham's Act, Sec. 34-29-131 am'd.
Pregnant women, umbilical cord blood, education regarding the potential benefits of donations, storage, and use, Umbilical Cord Blood Use Act
Forever Wild Land Trust, payments into extended 20 years
Animals, fighting dogs, procedures for seizing, disposition process expedited, bond required under certain conditions, forfeiture of dog under certain conditions, Sec. 3-1-29 am'd.

Federal cap and trade regulations, goods produced and distributed only in Alabama (intrastate), exempt from cap and trade regulations
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Motor vehicles, license tags and registration fees, active military, exempt from license tax and fees, Sec. 40-12-244 am'd.
Private schools, use of terms profit and nonprofit in definition clarified, baseline exemption date changed, Secs. 16-46-1, 16-46-3 am'd.
Family Resource Centers, Alabama Network of, adoption of rules regarding distribution of funds, publication of notice regarding rules in Alabama Administrative Monthly, Sec. 30-8-2 am'd.
Class 2 municipalities, (Mobile), state sales and use tax, aircraft reconfiguration, parts exempt under certain conditions, retroactive effect
State Employees' Health Insurance Plan, retiree sliding scale premium calculation required to be based on years of coverage in the plan or for time served in the United States Armed Forces or as an employee as defined in Sections 16-25A-1 and 16-25A-11, Secs. 36-29-1, 36-29-10, 26-29-19.7 am'd.
Pharmacy, Alabama State Board of, pharmacists, regulation and licensing, pharmacy and permit defined, Sec. 34-23-1 am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, retired professional firefighter tag authorized, duties to Revenue Department, penalties
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Animals, procedures for seizing when involved in charge for fighting dogs, hog and canine fighting, cruelty to dogs and cats, disposition of animal expedited, bond required under certain conditions, Secs. 3-1-29, 13A-11-244, 13A-12-6 am'd.
Property insurance, hurricane deductible only applied on damages from named hurricane or tropical storm, certain personal lines insurance policies to offer voluntary buy-back provision, penalties
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), tax sale properties acquired from State Land Commissioner, procedure to quiet title in lieu of procedures in Title 40, Chapter 10, Code of Alabama 1975
Income tax, tax credit authorized for retrofitting home due to loss from hurricane or windstorm events, for sales tax paid on retail sale of tangible personal property used to retrofit home, and for excess premium paid for property and casualty insurance, Consumer Hurricane Mitigation Tax Credit Act
Pharmacy, Alabama State Board of, pharmacists, regulation and licensing, pharmacy services permit defined, Sec. 34-23-1 am'd.
Elections, person who is convicted of certain election offense prohibited from serving in certain capacities
Human trafficking, coercion or deception causing a person to work or to perform services having financial value or to perform certain sexual activities, prohibited, criminal penalties, Representatives Jack Williams and Merika Coleman Act (2010-20826)
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, gill net permits, voluntary buyback program, established, surcharge on saltwater fishing licenses, authorized, Secs. 9-12-232, 9-12-233, 9-12-234 am'd.
Mardi Gras, certain parades, civil immunity to certain participants under certain conditions
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Women's Commission, qualifications, duties, funding, terms of office, altered, employees and benefits provided for, fees for programs authorized, Secs. 41-9-415, 41-9-416 added; Secs. 41-9-410, 41-9-411, 41-9-413 am'd.
Criminal pleas of nolo contendere or no contest, admissible in this state for impeachment, use for purposes of Habitual Offender Act and for capital murder cases, Lisa Marie Nichols Justice for Victims Act
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, established, members, duties, subject to Sunset Law, reports to Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Governor, and Legislature, Elder Abuse Prevention Act
Mobile Co., county officers, credit card payments, fee required to cover costs, Act 99-651, 1999 2nd Sp. Sess. am'd.
Elections, photo identification required, Public Safety Department required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
State of Alabama, counties and municipalities prohibited from issuing business licenses without proof of citizenship or legal status in United States
Surplus line insurance, foreign and alien insurers, requirement for transacting insurance for minimum of five years in its state or country of domicile, exception under certain conditions, Sec. 27-10-26 am'd.
Insurance Department, process for consumer assistance, established, nonbinding alternative dispute resolution procedures for certain insurance claims, established, posting of certain information on Internet, legislative reports, Secs. 27-2-8.1, 27-2-8.2, 27-2-8.3 added; Sec. 27-2-9 am'd.
Occupational tax, levy by county or municipality, prohibited, const. amend.
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), library board, number of members the same as number of members of city council
Income tax, employer's deduction for health insurance premiums, compensation paid to qualifying employees for calculation of employer's deduction further provided for, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program Advisory Task Force, established, members, duties
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, separate board of directors, members, duties, Sec. 16-33C-4.1 added; Secs. 16-33C-3, 16-33C-4, 16-33C-5, 16-33C-6, 16-33C-7, 16-33C-8, 16-33C-10, 16-33C-11, 16-33C-12 am'd.
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, contracts, Legislative intent regarding expressed, each contract in force on effective date of this act to be honored regardless of date issued
Elections, presidential preference primary, counties where Mardi Gras recognized as county holiday and having special provisions, expenses reimbursable by state, retroactive effect, Sec. 17-16-2 am'd.

Appropriations, pass-through appropriations, defined and prohibited, exception for valid support of agency programs, administrative and criminal penalties for violations by agencies, line-item appropriations authorized, reporting requirements, Budget Accountability Act
Political action committees, transfer of funds between prohibited, transfers between principal campaign committees, prohibited, exceptions, certain receipts and expenditures of campaign funds from federal candidates limited, penalties, Congressman Mike Rogers/Jeff McLaughlin Campaign Finance Transparency Act, Secs. 17-5-7, 17-5-15 am'd. (2010-21164)

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