Jerry Carl of Mobile To Seek Bradley Byrne’s Congressional Seat

Jerry Carl who is currently the Mobile County Commission for District 3 has announced he will be running for the U.S. Congress District 1 seat that will be vacated by Bradley Byrne. Byrne recently announced his campaign to challenge Doug Jones for his Senate seat next year. Carl is the first person to throw his hat in the ring for the seat.
Jerry Carl Press Release
Conservative Republican Jerry Carl announced today that he is running for US Congress in 2020 for Alabama’s First Congressional District. With the announcement that Congressman Bradley Byrne is running for US Senate, this seat becomes open in 2020.
“Bradley Bryne has led our district with integrity, and he leaves big shoes to fill. I am running because I want to continue his record of conservative leadership and get things done for Alabama and our country, just as I have done on the County Commission in Mobile,” stated Carl.
“The radical left wants more and more government. They’re fighting over who can expand government the most through Medicare for All and tax rates as high as 90% on hard-working Americans. That’s the opposite of what we need.”
Jerry Carl was born in Mobile and started his first company at the age of 25. In all, Jerry has started over ten different companies ranging from real estate to healthcare and timber, to even the manufacturing of church furniture. In 2012, Jerry ran for a seat on Mobile’s County Commission because he was frustrated with the direction of local government. Throughout his time on the Commission, he has proven to be a vocal fiscal hawk and advocate for pro-growth, job-creating policies. He abstained from taking a tax-payer funded salary his first two years in office, consistently votes against raising taxes, and is laser focused on creating economic opportunities so good-paying jobs can be created right here in our community.
“During my time on the County Commission I have said what I think and done what I say,” continued Carl. “I’ve fought excessive spending whether it was millions for a soccer complex or needless big-government programs. I’ve worked to keep our government in the black, and since 2013 we have never run a deficit and our unemployment rate went from 10.7% when I was elected to about 4% today. And I have worked tirelessly to bring jobs to our area whether it was the Walmart distribution center, Amazon sortation center, or the expansion of Airbus and Austal.”
“Now more than ever, our country needs conservative leaders who can get things done for our country. I want to use my health care and small-business background to continue growing our economy and fight for our veterans by bringing more choices to their health care. I want to remove the red tape plaguing our infrastructure needs like the Foley Road Extension and the Mobile Bay Bridge project. Most importantly, I want to fight for our conservative Alabama principles and stand with Donald Trump to stop the radical left from shredding our Constitution and trampling our Christian faith.”
Jerry and his wife, Tina, have been married for over 37 years. They grew their family with the births of their children and proudly watched each one of them become successful in their own rights. One son became a Marine, another a successful insurance agent, and their only daughter heard the call to become a teacher.
To find out more about Jerry Carl, visit his website at
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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