Jeremy Oden

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:24 AM CST

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Jeremy Oden

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Status: Alabama Public Service Commission Member for Place 1
Party: Republican
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Birthday: October 7, 1968 56

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Election History

Jeremy Oden from Cullman, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Jeremy Oden has sponsored.

Blount County, Forty-First Judicial Circuit, district attorney authorized to establish pretrial diversion program; procedures, fees
Housing Authorities, bonds, interest on bonds to be paid according to terms of resolution or its trust indenture or mortgage, bonds sold as determined by authority, 10 days notice required for public sale, Sec. 24-1-32 am'd
Morgan Co., Eighth Judicial Circuit, pretrial diversion program, district attorney authorized to establish, procedures, fees
Cullman County, elected officials authorized to participate in Employees' Retirement System, exceptions, supernumerary program phased out, const. amend.
Solid waste landfill, permits, prohibition against issuance by Alabama Department of Environmental Management and local governments of new permits pursuant to Act 2011-297 extended until after May 31, 2014, Act 2011-297, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 22-27-5.2 am'd
Food establishments, Health Department inspection reports, posting visable to customers inside and at drive-thru location required
Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee, emergency contracts treatment, Secs. 29-2-41.1, 41-16-72 am'd.; Act 2011-577, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Superintendents of education, county and city, appointment by city and county boards of education, required, const. amend.
Cullman Co., legislative authority to transfer sixteenth section lands and income to county board of education, const. amend.
Disorderly conduct, definition revised, carrying a pistol in a vehicle without a pistol permit, authorized, discretion of sheriff in concealed pistol licensing eliminated under certain conditions, certain provisions of concealed pistol licensing revised, Secs. 13A-11-7, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74, 13A-11-75 am'd.; Secs. 13A-11-52, 13A-11-59 repealed
Ad valorem tax, Class II and Class III property, reappraisal every four years, Sec. 40-7-60 am'd.

Water supply reservoir watershed management authorities, establishment of authorities as public corporations, authorized, counties may form, board, duties, powers, employees of authority authorized to participate in Employees' Retirement System and State Employees' Health Insurance Plan
Cullman Co., legislative authority to transfer sixteenth section lands and income to county board of education, const. amend.
Disorderly conduct, definition revised, carrying a pistol in a vehicle without a pistol permit, authorized, discretion of sheriff in concealed pistol licensing eliminated under certain conditions, certain provisions of concealed pistol licensing revised, Secs. 13A-11-7, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74, 13A-11-75 am'd.; Secs. 13A-11-52, 13A-11-59 repealed
Morgan Co., Tennessee Valley Authority, payments in-lieu-of-taxes received pursuant to Act 2010-135, distrib. to Hartselle, Decatur, and Morgan County Boards of Education for the fiscal years 2012 and 2013
Vital statistics, stillborn child, parent listed on report of fetal death authorized to request Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth from State Registrar, procedures for issuance, State Board of Health to administer
Health care providers, physicians, etc., requiring disclosure regarding firearm ownership, prohibited, medical record inclusion of firearm information or disclosure of information about firearm ownership, prohibited, civil penalties, exceptions
Good Samaritan Law, civil immunity granted to certain persons, in good faith, without compensation, for participation in emergency response activities, Sec. 6-5-332 am'd.
Superintendents of education, county and city, appointment by city and county boards of education, required, const. amend.
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, limit on cost of tuition for certain PACT plan contract participants, repealed, Act 2010-725, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Secs. 16-33C-17, 16-33C-18 repealed
Firearms, soliciting or encouraging a licensed dealer or private seller of firearms or ammunition to transfer a firearm or ammunition if the person knows the transfer violates state and federal law and providing false information to dealer or seller of firearms or ammunition with intent to deceive, crimes established, exceptions, penalties
Firearms, seized by law enforcement agency, disposal at auction to certain persons, proceeds for law enforcement purposes (2011-20970)
Governor's Mansion Authority, established, members, duties, funding, employees, Governor's Mansion Advisory Board abolished, Secs. 41-9-530 to 41-9-532, inclusive, repealed
Public schools, K-12 instructional days, local board of education with approval of State Superintendent of Education authorized to make up cancelled instructional days by adjusting the hours of actual instruction, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization, const. amend.
Environmental Management Department, issuance of permits to certain solid waste landfills, 24-month moratorium on issuance, duties to Environmental Management Department and Health Department (2011-20385)
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization
County commission, county solid waste disposal service, volunteer fire department exempt from fees, Sec. 22-27-3 am'd.
Ad valorem tax, Class II and Class III property, reappraisal every four years, Sec. 40-7-60 am'd.
Child custody, parenting plan required, requirements, shared parenting unless parent found not fit by court, appellate review, Children's Family Act, Sec. 30-3-158 added; Secs. 30-3-150 to 30-3-155, inclusive, 30-3-157 am'd.; Secs. 30-3-1, 30-3-2, repealed
Elevator Safety Review Board, administration by Labor Department, funds, use for operation of Labor Department, Sec. 25-13-6 am'd.; Act 2010-597, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Alabama Development Office and Director of Development changed to Commerce Department and Secretary of Commerce, assistant secretaries of commerce, employment of certain persons outside of Merit System, authorized, Secs. 41-9-201, 41-9-202, 41-9-202.1, 41-9-203, 41-9-204 am'd. (2011-20679)
Income tax credit authorized for employers creating jobs, under certain conditions, Full Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-270, 40-18-271, 40-18-272 repealed; Act 2010-557, 2010 Reg. Sess. repealed
Motor vehicles, low speed vehicles and mini trucks, licensure, restrictions, safety equipment title not required, Sec. 32-6-59 added; Secs. 32-8-31, 40-12-240 am'd.
Political campaigns, use of digitally altered pictures in negative way, prohibited, Sec. 17-5-16 am'd.
Continuous sexual abuse of a child, crime of established, penalties
Agricultural tourist attractions, to be defined by rule and approved by Agriculture and Industries Department, application and renewal fees, directional signs under certain conditions (2011-20698)
Sex offenders and violent crime offenders, prohibitions on residency near a long-term facility, notification procedures to Health Department, Senior Services Department, long-term care facility, and its residents under certain conditions, Secs. 15-20-22, 15-20-26 am'd.; Act 2009-558, 2009 Reg. Sess.; Act 2009-619, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Education Department required to determine the financial capability of a municipality to sustain a school system before the municipality could establish a city school system, minimum population requirement increased, certain municipalities excepted, Sec. 16-11-1 am'd.
Counties, optional home rule powers regarding public safety and health, and land regulation and use, const. amend.
Public schools, minimum number of instructional and professional days, Governor authorized to reduce when proration of Education Trust Fund budget declared
Electrical contractors, renewal of licenses, person licensed by Board of Electrical Contractors on or before June 30, 2010, exam not required, Sec. 34-36-16 am'd.; Act 2010-540, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Education Trust Fund, appropriations in education budget act capped, Budget Stabilization Fund, Capital Fund, established, transfer of certain funds to Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account, transfer of funds from Budget Stabilization Fund under certain conditions, Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, Sec. 40-1-32.1 repealed

Federal cap and trade regulations, goods produced and distributed only in Alabama (intrastate), exempt from cap and trade regulations
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Morgan Co., Hartselle, Falkville, and Decatur, bingo further defined, bingo permit holders authorized to advertise bingo sessions with municipal governing body approval, Act 96-648, 1996 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Hayden, corp. limits alt.
Child abuse or neglect, suspected, mandatory reporting, requirements for school teachers and school officials, established, responsibilities of principals and local superintendents of education Sec. 26-14-3 am'd.
Sex offenders and violent crime offenders, prohibitions on residency near a long-term facility, notification procedures to Health Department, Senior Services Department, long-term care facility, and its residents under certain conditions, Secs. 15-20-22, 15-20-26 am'd.; Act 2009-558, 2009 Reg. Sess.; Act 2009-619, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Businesses or public employers, reguired to verify legal status of new employees through federal E-verify program, penalties
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Sex crimes, person over age 21 convicted of rape in the first degree, sodomy in the first degree, or sexual torture in the first degree of a child age 6 or younger, sentence of life without possibility of parole required
Cullman Co., sheriff and county revenue commissioner authorized to participate in Employees' Retirement System in lieu of supernumerary program, const. amend.
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Higher education, employees prohibited from receiving incentives from publishers, posting of required textbook lists, cost of textbooks limited, College Textbook Review Board established, members, duties
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Aliens, illegal, forfeiture of property acquired while illegal alien, procedures, exceptions
Motor vehicles, driving without license or insurance or proof of legal entry into the United States, motor vehicle may be impounded, Secs. 32-6-18, 32-7A-4 am'd.
Blount Co., municipality located entirely outside of Blount County prohibited from imposing municipal ordinance or regulation in its police jurisdiction located in Blount County, reglatory functions and police or fire protection services in its police jurisdiction prohibited, except public safety mutual aid, const. amend. (2010-20879)
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department
Children First Trust Fund, receipts allocated for State Board of Education transferred to General Fund during fiscal year ending 2011
Education Appropriations Act for fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, debt service on certain bonds, funding from Capital Improvement Trust Fund reduced, funding from Education Trust Fund increased, supplemental appropriation for debt service on certain Public School and College Authority bond swaps, appropriation to state agencies for fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, reappropriated, certain food stamp funds not to revert from Human Resources Department, use for child care, Act 2009-339, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Teachers' Retirement System, pension accumulation fund, accrued liability contribution rate authorized to be computed by Board of Control over a 30-year period, Sec. 16-25-21 am'd.
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Talladega College, appropriation
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Elections, photo identification required, Public Safety Department required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Greenhouse gas emissions, state agency prohibited from adopting or enforcing a state or regional program to limit or regulate motor vehicle fuel economy or from implementing a cap and trade program without legislative authorization
Federal law enforcement officers, permission of sheriff or Attorney General required before conducting arrest or search and seizure, district attorney required to prosecute violations, supremacy of sheriff as chief law enforcement officer of county declared
Blount Co., elected officials, county commission may provide expense allowance if salary voluntarily diminished due to participation in public or private retirement fund
Income tax, employer's deduction for health insurance premiums, compensation paid to qualifying employees for calculation of employer's deduction further provided for, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Economic development projects, qualifying projects for tax incentives, base wage requirements under Section 40-18-190, Code of Alabama 1975, amendments in Act 2009-722, effective date of new requirements delayed for applications filed by November 21, 2009
Tennessee Valley Authority, payments in-lieu-of-taxes, redistribution of the payments to dry counties and municipalities under existing law to counties served by TVA, certain increases in liquor tax receipts distributed to dry counties and municipalities, Sec. 40-28-2 am'd.
Short-barreled rifles or short-barreled shotguns, possession, sale, receipt, obtaining, or use, in violation of federal law, prohibited, exceptions, penalties, Sec. 13A-11-63 am'd.

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