Geraldine Asst. Police Chief On Paid Leave; Hearing Tuesday

Geraldine Assistant Police Chief Jeff Buckles is on paid leave for his Facebook posts that wished death on Nancy Pelosi and liberals.
Mayor Chuck Ables placed Buckles on paid leave while he is being investigated for “terroristic” threats against Pelosi and for other comments that wished harm to liberals.
There will be a due process hearing Tuesday at 5 PM during the city council meeting. Buckles still has time to choose a private hearing and in that case, a special session will be called.
After the State of the Union, Buckles was triggered by Pelosi ripping up a hard copy of Trump’s speech and went to Facebook to rant about it.
“Pelosi just ripped up his speach [sic]. Road Side bomb on her way home and any other Dumbocrats,” Buckles wrote.

His Facebook page also had comments aimed at liberals as well, writing in one post, “He got released by a left wing liberal. He should have got the death penalty. So should the left wing dems.”

Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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