Alabama Opinion Editorials

AL Rep. John Rogers Exemplifies Decay of Modern Political Debate
His rambling explanation of what he meant to say, doesn’t change the vulgarity of what he said.
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Rep. John Rogers Helps Feed Far Right Outrage With Moronic Comments
Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D-Birmingham) helped set back Alabama Democrats even more on Wednesday with his inability to communicate effectively with Alabama voters.
“So you kill them now or you kill…
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AL Bill To Take Guns Away From Dangerous People Shows Danger Of Second Amendment Extremists
The Second Amendment extremists will continue to oppose any sensible regulations on firearms, but it’s up to rational citizens to push for bills that make our communities safer.
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Dear Bernie Sanders, Murderers Should Never Replace The Votes Of Their Victims
Bernie Sanders thinks murderers, even mass murderers, should be able to vote while in prison.
During a CNN town hall, Bernie was asked whether he…
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The Bravery of Nigel Shelby
I’ve written over 300 articles in the last few years, I like to believe that in my writing I offer up a fresh perspective on whatever it is I’m writing about. So I am very…
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Over-prescribing Alabama Opioid Docs Busted, But Who’s Helping The Patients?
It’s time to stop stigmatizing addicts and, instead, praise and encourage those who choose the hard path to recovery.
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HB 314 and SB 211: A Handmaid’s Tale in Alabama
Since the beginning of 2019, 14 states have passed or introduced 250 bills restricting abortion. Emboldened by a conservative-leaning Supreme Court, lawmakers are determined to challenge access to safe, legal abortion nationally by introducing unconstitutional…
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Alabama Republicans Have Hypocrisy In The Bag
For whatever delusional reason, the Republicans think that any environmentally friendly proposal is somehow an egregious affront to the sacred altar of capitalism.
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Fixing Alabama Prisons Will Take Much More Than New Facilities
Alabama must build new prisons and hire more officers just to reach a bare minimum of safety and constitutional compliance, but the real problems appear to be far more sinister and pervasive.
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Early Voting Will Move Alabama Forward
This bill is another opportunity for Alabama to move forward. For too long, we’ve approached sensible legislation like this with an obstinate attitude of baseless oppositional defiance.
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