Bernie Sanders News & Articles

The VP Pick Who Could Save Joe Biden’s Campaign
During the final 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary debate, the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden made national headlines when he declared, “If I’m elected President, my cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and…
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Tuberville Implies COVID-19 Pandemic Could Be An Experiment for the Green New Deal
During a Friday interview on WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” former Auburn football coach and AL GOP Senate front-runner Tommy Tuberville said that the current economic shutdown of the United States due to the…
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Bernie Sanders Surges Ahead of Crucial Iowa Caucus
The Iowa Caucus is the first of the presidential primary contests, making a win in the state highly sought after. The caucus will take place this evening.
After months of relative stability, Bernie Sanders has…
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New Approval Ratings Released For Senators Richard Shelby and Doug Jones
According to a new survey by Morning Consult, Alabama’s senior Senator, Richard Shelby holds a 46 percent approval rating and a 26 percent disapproval…
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Jeff Sessions: Doug Jones is a Foot Soldier for the Radical Left
On Saturday, former Attorney General and Alabama GOP Senate front-runner, Jeff Sessions sent out a critical tweet against Alabama’s Democratic incumbent Senator, Doug Jones after Jones explained in in an
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Troy King Releases New Campaign Ad Touting Ties to AL-02, Support for Trump, and Disdain for Liberals
In a crowded primary field with six opponents, former Alabama Attorney General, and Congressional candidate, Troy King released a new ad, seeking to distinguish himself from his opponents by portraying himself as someone who…
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The Potential Fatal Flaw in Trump’s Re-Election Strategy And the Potential Pitfall for Democrats in 2020
When Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016, two major questions arose: 1. How did it happen? And 2. Could he win again in 2020? Trump’s campaign strategy in 2016 was simple and straightforward,…
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AL Rep. Mo Brooks and the Straw Man of Socialism
Brooks has built his whole career on creating straw men that he haphazardly associates with his opposition in defiance of facts and logic.
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Dear Bernie Sanders, Murderers Should Never Replace The Votes Of Their Victims
Bernie Sanders thinks murderers, even mass murderers, should be able to vote while in prison.
During a CNN town hall, Bernie was asked whether he…
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