Doug Jones Releases Statement After Tuberville’s Victory

“When I was elected, I promised the people of Alabama that I would put their interests first to find common ground and get things done for our state. Washington already has plenty of people who fight along partisan lines and nothing much seems to get done.
“I’ve passed seventeen bipartisan bills signed into law by President Trump and was honored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce three times for my record of bipartisanship, leadership and pro-business support. Working across the aisle, we repealed the tax on Gold Star widows after more than twenty years of partisan bickering kept thousands of families from earning the benefits they were promised. We secured relief for farmers in the Wiregrass hit hard by hurricanes and tornadoes. We’re investing in rural hospitals that, without Medicaid expansion, continue to struggle despite their importance to many Alabama communities. I will always protect health care for our seniors and people with pre-existing conditions.
“That’s the record I will present to the people of Alabama at a time when our country and our state face multiple crises. We are not out of the woods yet but every step of the way I will have your back and no one else’s. The choice before the voters is an unprepared hyper-partisan that will add to the divide in Washington, or my proven track-record to find common ground and get things done.
“We can choose One Alabama and continue to move Alabama forward together and work for better health care, support our veterans, and bring back jobs from overseas.”
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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