Alabama Coronavirus News & Articles

Kiani Gardner: Stop Electing Career Politicians Who Care More About Their Political Careers Than Alabama Lives
Kiani Gardner, who is running for Congress in Alabama’s 1st Congressional District, issued a press release today attacking comments made by Alabama State Senator Del Marsh (R-Anniston) yesterday to Montgomery reporters.
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AL Sen. Del Marsh Says He Wants More COVID-19 Cases In Order To Get Immunity From Virus
In an interview with a reporter for CBS42, Alabama State Senator President pro tempore Del Marsh (R-Anniston) commented on the increase in COVID-19 cases in the state saying, “I’m not as concerned as…
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Madison County Issues Order Mandating Use of Face Masks In Public
At 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 7th, an order that mandates the use of face masks in public places will go into effect in Madison County. The order was issued by Madison County Health…
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Absence of Foresight
Foresight is a skill that draws on wisdom, experience, and knowledge to mitigate or negate negative consequences in various probable scenarios.
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Conservatives Unmasked
As the pandemic and protests over police brutality consume our nation, the truth of conservatism itself has been unmasked. It’s a self-serving paternalistic political philosophy built on a foundation of social Darwinism and class privilege.
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Gov. Ivey Breaks Silence On COVID-19, Says Very Little
Governor Kay Ivey broke her silence today with a tweet, stating that “COVID-19 is still a threat” and encouraging Alabamians to abide by the Safer At Home order that is in effect until July…
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The Mutating Virus Worse Than COVID-19
Yes, racism has mutated as a virus, but it’s flaring and spiking again. Just like COVID-19, there’s no vaccine or effective treatment yet. However, we can contain it and work towards its eradication.
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New COVID-19 Testing Program In Huntsville Offered By Synergy Wellness
The past few days for the United States of America have been very worrisome, to say the least. On May 20th, Tedros Adhanom-Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, announced that more…
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Alabama’s Going to Learn the Hard Way
Premature reopening is nothing more than an unnecessary gamble with precious, irreplaceable human lives.
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Our Weaknesses Are Laid Bare
Our weaknesses are laid bare, Alabama. At times, there are passionate debates about what issues need to be addressed first in our state. We spend a great deal of time chasing our tails over issues…
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