Kiani Gardner: Stop Electing Career Politicians Who Care More About Their Political Careers Than Alabama Lives

Kiani Gardner, who is running for Congress in Alabama’s 1st Congressional District, issued a press release today attacking comments made by Alabama State Senator Del Marsh (R-Anniston) yesterday to Montgomery reporters.
In his comments, Marsh stated that he hoped to see more COVID-19 cases so that herd immunity would happen.
Press Release
On the very day Mobile County recorded its highest single day of confirmed Coronavirus cases, nearly doubling the previous high, Del Marsh once again put Alabama in the national news for all the wrong reasons when he told local reporters in Montgomery that he hoped more Alabamians would become infected by Coronavirus.
In response, Dr. Kiani Gardner had the following to say:
“As an Alabamian, as a mother of two young children, as an educator and as a biologist I was shocked and appalled by Senator Marsh’s statements, both in their ignorance and in their callousness. He is just another career Montgomery politician more concerned with Vote Totals in November than Death Totals in August.”
“Rather than embracing science that can demonstrably save Alabama lives like wearing masks, he chooses to try to absolve himself and his cohorts in Montgomery from the needless loss and suffering their poor leadership have inflicted on thousands of Alabamians.”
“I cannot express enough how truly alarming I found Del Marsh’s statement to be, and I call on every candidate running for Alabama’s 1st Congressional District to join me in condemning Del Marsh’s desire to see more Alabamians get sick with a debilitating and potentially life-threatening illness, and to call on Senator Marsh to actually take actions to prevent it from happening.”
In just the last two days, Alabama has recorded more than 1,000 new Coronavirus cases each day. The state of Alabama has suffered more than 1,000 deaths due to Coronavirus and Mobile County is approaching 150 fatalities due to Coronavirus.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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