Kiani Gardner Endorsed By Political and Community Leaders

Several major political, economic and community leaders in Alabama have come together to support and endorse Dr. Kiani Gardner’s campaign to represent the 1st Congressional District, citing her understanding of the issues that matter to working Alabamians and her commitment to making the people of Alabama her only priority once elected.
- Alabama Democratic Conference
- Sue Bell Cobb, former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and Democratic candidate for Governor
- Kenyen Brown, Alabama’s first African-American U.S. Attorney and a former U.S. House and Senate Ethics Committee Director
- Parker Griffith, former Alabama State Senator and U.S. Congressman (AL-5)
- Elaine Beech, former Alabama State Representative (65th District)
- The Southwest Alabama Labor Council
- The Mobile-Pensacola Building Trades Council
- The Communication Workers of America, Local 3907
- The International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, Local 55
- The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 505
- The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, Local 779
- The Leadership of Sheet Metal Workers, Local 441
- The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 991
Gardner noted that she was honored by the support and trust each and every one of these organizations and individuals placed in her campaign.
“The people of South Alabama are clearly fed up with professional politicians who are interested only in serving their own futures and the needs of their political party instead of the real issues we face here, like failing infrastructure, an education system that leaves our children unprepared for the future, and a lack of access to affordable healthcare. As an Alabamian who drives these roads every day and is raising a family here, I recognize that their issues are my issues and I will fight to advance OUR real needs in Washington, D.C.”
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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