Gerald O. Dial

Updated: August 29, 2022 at 2:12 AM CST

General Information

Who is Gerald O. Dial?
Gerald O. Dial

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: November 17, 1937 86

Education Information

Known educational history for Gerald O. Dial from Lineville, AL.

  • BS, Livingston State University
  • ED, Jacksonville State University

Political Information

Known political history for Gerald O. Dial from Lineville, AL.

  • Majority Whip, Alabama State Senate, 2011-2018
  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 13, 1983-2018
  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 13, 2006
  • Former House Member, Alabama State Legislature

Professions Information

Known professional history for Gerald O. Dial from Lineville, AL.

  • Brigadier General, Alabama National Guard, 1959-1997
  • Teacher/Coach, Lineville High School
  • Self-Employed, Real Estate Developer, present

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Gerald O. Dial from Lineville, AL.

  • Executive Director, Alabama Rural Action Commission, 2007-2010
  • Chair, International Motor Sports Hall of Fame Commission
  • Former Member, Rules Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Local Legislation Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, License Plates Legislative Oversight Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Health and Human Services Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Children First Trust Fund Legislative Oversight Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Permanent Legislative Committee On Reapportionment, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Permanent Joint Transportation Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Finance and Taxation Education Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Transportation and Energy Committee, Alabama State Senate

Election History

Gerald O. Dial from Lineville, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Gerald O. Dial has sponsored.

SB 329
Volunteer Rescue Squad Tuition Reimbursement Act of 2018, tuition reimbursement program for emergency medical technician or paramedic certification established
SB 324
Chambers Co., sheriff, compensation, increased, Sec. 45-9-230.01 am'd.
SB 312
Military Family Jobs Opportunity Act, professional licensing boards required to issue licenses and certificates to military spouses who hold licenses and certificates from other states, required to issue temporary licenses and certificates in certain instances when other state has lesser requirements, Sec. 31-1-6 am'd.
SB 299
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2021, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
SB 291
Insurance, title insurers authorized to form rating bureau for purposes of filing rates on behalf of members, Secs. 27-13-140 to 27-13-146, inclusive, 27-25-6.1 added; Secs. 27-13-2, 27-25-6 am'd.
SB 290
Clay Co., tobacco tax, distrib. further provided for, Act 2017-65, 2017 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 45-14-244.07 am'd.
SB 261
Taxation, sale of tax liens, tax liens authorized to be sold at auction to the bidder with the lowest interest rate, Secs. 40-10-199, 40-10-200 added; Secs. 40-10-180 to 40-10-198, inclusive, am'd.
SB 246
EMS personel, revise licensing process to authorize criminal background checks, revise licensing fees, etc., Secs. 22-18-4, 22-18-6 am'd.
SB 215
Employees' Retirement System, retirees, one-time lump-sum additional payment
SB 214
Motor vehicles, distinctive license plate, owners may authorize release of personal information to sponsoring organization,including colleges, Secs. 32-6-64, 32--6-67 am'd.
SB 200
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, revise definitions, create a review committee, Secs. 20-2-211, 20-2-212, 20-2-214, 20-2-215 am'd.
SB 192
Agriculture and Conservation Development Commission, allocation of funds to soil and water conservation districts, minimum deleted, Sec. 9-8A-5 am'd.
SB 181
Religious freedom provided for, right to worship, display of Ten Commandments on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
SJR 143
Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness, recognized
SJR 138
Arthur P. White Memorial Highway, portion of Alabama Highway 35 in DeKalb County, named
SB 97
Nursing, Board of, anti-competitive rule making, immunity provided, Sec. 34-21-2.1 added
SB 96
Nursing, Board of, investigators granted power of peace officers, Act 2017-46, 2017 Reg. Sess.; Sec. 34-21-2 am'd.
SB 95
Nursing, Board of, loan repayment program for advanced-practice nurses, loan program authorized for certain currently certified nurses, Sec. 34-21-96 am'd.
SB 94
Education, National Guard, a person does not have to be a resident for Alabama Commission on Higher Education to reimburse if in National Guard, include high school students simultaneously enrolled, Federal funds paid to the student may not be considered to determine benefits under Education Trust Fund Appropriation Act, Secs. 16-64-2, 31-10-3 am'd.
SB 88
Lieutenant Governor, duties and powers over Senate, removed, salary established, const. amend.
SB 86
Alabama Road and Bridge Rehabilitation and Improvement Authority established to finance road and bridge improvements, authority to issue bonds, etc.
SJR 113
School-based vaccination program, urging State Department of Education to participate in
SB 83
Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Patient Safety Act, Alabama Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Bd created, licensing of limited x-ray machine operators, magnetic resonance technologist, nuclear medicine technologist, radiation therapist, radiographer, and radiologist assistants, provided
SB 82
Courts, Judicial retirement fund, probate judges, purchase of creditable service provided for, Sec.12-18-84.2 added
SB 81
Clay Co., co. courthouse, removal of state courts from historical Clay Co. Courthouse prohibited, const. amend.
SB 80
Competitive bids on public contracts by state agencies and institutions, preference for vendors owned by veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, joint purchasing agreements further provided for, cities and counties authorized to use fleet fuel cards, Secs. 41-16-20, 41-16-21.1, 41-16-27, 41-4-110 am'd.
SJR 105
Senator Trip Pittman Interchange, in Baldwin Co., named
SB 79
Income tax credits, increase for rural physicians and dentists, Secs. 40-18-130 to 40-18-132, inclusive, am'd.
SJR 100
Cumbus, Alice Griggs, commended
SJR 99
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, March 2018, recognized
SJR 98
Colleges and universities, state-supported, encouraged to waive out-of-state tuition for dependents of certain disabled service men and women.
SJR 81
Kitchen and Bath Cabinetry Industry, recognized
SB 62
State income tax, credits, rural physicians and dentists, extension of credit for residing and practicing in areas of critical need, Sec. 40-18-132 am'd.
SB 61
Hunting, authorize the taking of whitetail deer or feral swine by means of bait, Secs. 9-11-244, 9-11-245 am'd.
SJR 55
Resolution, Local Constitutional Amendment application, Clay Co., sheriff, election to authorize participation in Employees Retirement System
SJR 48
Alabama Trails Commission, progress on Pinhoti Trail, commended
SR 139
Grace, Rosalyn Taylor, exemplary service, commended
SJR 29
Reapportionment Office, urged to work with Census Bureau to increase awareness of census program
SJR 28
Jere L. Beasley Highway, portion of State Road 51, named
SB 21
Teachers' Retirement System, retirees and beneficiaries, one-time lump sum funded payment based on years of service, payment in Fiscal Year 2019
SB 19
State Parking Deck Authority, maturity date for bonds further provided for, specifications of state parking deck altered, transfer to General Fund from Authority's reserve fund, Sec. 41-10-515 repealed; Secs. 41-10-490, 41-10-497, 41-10-502, 41-10-513, 41-10-516 am'd.
SB 18
Vacancies, United States Senator, temporary appointment by Governor until next general election authorized, Sec. 36-9-7 am'd; Sec. 36-9-8 repealed
SJR 19
Brown, Neal, commended
SB 14
Education, teachers, time increased for public K-12 teachers to give notice of terminating employment from 5 to 30 days, requirement for postsecondary education employees deleted, Sec. 16-24C-11 am'd.
SJR 14
Brown, Neal, commended
SR 47
Republic of Korea, host of the 2018 XXIII Winter Olympic Games and XII Winter Paralympic Games, recognized
Don C. East Memorial Bridge, portion of Highway 48 in Randolph County, named
Pinhoti Trail, requesting Dept. of Transportation to place signs in Cleburne Co., for
Borg, Joseph, commended

Senate, districts redrawn, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Municipalities, gas or diesel tax or business license tax on gas or diesel fuels, use restricted to construction and maintenance
Public property, national motto, In God We Trust, authorized to display
Lieutenant Governor, duties and powers over Senate, removed, salary established, joint election with Governor established, const. amend.
Board of Athletic Trainers, to change references from apprentice athletic trainers to athletic trainer students, to require persons to be qualified health care professionals to be licensed as athletic trainers. Sections 34-40-2, 34-40-3, 34-40-5, 34-40-9, 34-40-15 Code of Alabama 1975, amd
National Guard members and veterans, qualifications and rates for tuition reimbursement revised, Secs. 31-6-4, 31-6-5, 31-6-6, 31-6-9, 31-6-11, 31-6-15, 31-10-2, 31-10-3, 31-10-4, 31-10-21, 31-10-22 am'd.
Education, time increased for public K-12 teachers to give notice of terminating employment from 5 to 30 days, requirement for postsecondary education employees deleted, Sec. 16-24C-11 am'd.
Alabama Ahead Act, Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, School of Math and Science, and Fine Arts authorize to participate, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, Education Trust Fund Advancement and Technology Fund to the Department of Education and Alabama Community College System, Sec. 16-16B-1 am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, retirees and beneficiaries, one-time lump-sum additional payment
Small loans under Ala. Small Loan Act, minimum and maximum amount of loans increased and corresponding interest rates, max term of loans, Secs. 5-18-4, 5-18-10, 5-18-13, 5-18-15 am'd.
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2017, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact, established, Sec. 22-18-50 added; Sec. 22-18-6 am'd.
Competitive bids on public contracts by state agencies and institutions, preference for vendors owned by veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, joint purchasing agreements further provided for, cities and counties authorized to use fleet fuel cards, Secs. 41-16-20, 41-16-21.1, 41-16-27, 41-4-110 am'd.
Capital offenses, mandatory death penalty sentence to any defendant found guilty of murdering an active duty law enforcement officer, Sec. 13A-5-43 am'd.
Petroleum products, inspection fees, bonded distributor replaced by an inspection fee permit holder, bonding requirement deleted, Secs. 8-17-80, 8-17-87, 8-17-96, 8-17-97, 8-17-99, 8-17-101 am'd.
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Taxes, income, credits, authorized for active volunteer firefighters with min. number of training hrs. under certain conditions, record-keeping requirements, Revenue Dept., rulemaking authority, penalties
Nursing, Board of, loan repayment program for advanced-practice nurses, loan program authorized for certain currently certified nurses, Sec. 34-21-96 am'd.
Nursing, Board of, investigators granted power of peace officers, and authorized to enforce controlled substance laws, Sec. 34-21-2 am'd.
Nursing, Board of, anti-competitive rule making, immunity provided, Sec. 34-21-2.1 added
Advanced practice nursing, titles and definitions revised, clinical nurse specialists authorized to collaborate with physicians, Sec. 34-21-90.1 added; Secs. 34-21-80, 34-21-81, 34-21-83 to 34-21-92, inclusive, am'd.
State Parking Deck Authority, maturity date for bonds further provided for, specifications of state parking deck altered, transfer to General Fund from Authority's reserve fund, Secs. 41-10-490, 41-10-497, 41-10-500, 41-10-502, 41-10-513, 41-10-516 am'd.
Veterans, unemployed, tax credit created for hiring of, regardless of whether veteran was recently deployed, Sec. 40-18-320.1 added; Secs. 40-18-320, 40-18-321, 40-18-322, 40-18-324 am'd.
Clay Co., tobacco tax, distrib. of proceeds, Secs. 45-14-244.04, 45-14-244.05 repealed
Space, Alabama Space Authority, created within Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, membership and powers
Income tax credits, increase for rural physicians and dentists, Secs. 40-18-130 to 40-18-132, inclusive, am'd.
Eyeglasses, over-the-counter eyeglasses, nonprescription glasses further defined, sale regulated, enforcement by district attorney or Attorney General
Public contracts, Alabama Fire College, joint purchasing agreement, authorized, competitive bids, Sec. 41-16-50 am'd.
Fire Departments, non-volunteer, diesel exhaust system installed in the fire station building, required within certain time frame and under certain conditions
Firearms, possession and carrying of, certain requirements for, repealed or deleted, Secs. 9-11-304, 13A-11-50, 13A-11-51, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-59, 13A-11-71, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74, repealed; Sec. 13A-11-61.2 am'd.

Open Meetings Act, excludes boards of trustees of institutions of higher education created by statute from serial meeting requirements, Sec. 36-25A-2 am'd.
Cleburne Co., coroner, expenses further provided for
Emergency Medical Control Committee, membership, voting, EMS Advisory Board abolished, Sec. 22-18-5 repealed; Secs. 22-18-3, 22-18-40 am'd.
Legislative Services Agency established, Legislative Reference Service, Legislative Fiscal Office, Alabama Law Institute,combining offices, Secs. 29-5A-1 to 29-5A-4, 29-5A-20 to 29-5A-27, 29-5A-40 to 29-5A-46, 29-5A-60 to 29-5A-64 added; 29-5-1 to 29-5-10, 29-5-12, 29-5-13, 29-6-2.1, 29-7-1, 29-7-2, 29-7-4 to 29-7-13, 29-8-1 to 29-8-5, repealed
Ethics, informal opinion by State Ethics Commission provided, prohibition of elected public officials lobbying revised, thing of value definition revised, Sec. 36-25-4.4 added; Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-13, 36-25-23, 36-25-27 am'd.
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2017, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Legislature, retired under the Teachers' Retirement System or Employees' Retirement System authorized to earn compensation with an employer in the TRS or ERS, Secs. 16-25-26, 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Lieutenant Governor, duties and powers over Senate, removed, salary established, joint election with Governor established, const. amend.
Transportation Safety Fund, established in State Treasury, distribution of certain funds and redistribution to state, counties, and municipalities, use of funds and restrictions on use of funds
Motor vehicles, distinctive plates, further provided for, Act 2015-362, 2015 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 32-6-64.1, 32-6-68, 32-6-150.1, 32-6-250, 32-6-251, 32-6-630 am'd.
Competitive bid law, providing for length of time contracts for goods or services, excepting voice or wireless communications services, may be let, specify requirements for purchases from a sole source, permit purchases from vendor under general services administration contract and services from a competitive bid nationwide cooperative purchasing program, Secs. 16-13B-2, 16-13B-7 am'd.
Competitive bidding, preferred vendor status given to businesses owned by veterans who were deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) or Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq), Sec. 41-16-20 am'd.
Right to work, policy declared, cause of action declared, const. amend.
Firearms, pistol permits, valid military id has same effect for purposes authorizing of carrying concealed
Medical Examiners, powers and duties of Board of Medical Examiners, rulemaking authority clarified, Sec. 34-24-53.1 added
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Social Work Examiners, State Board of, definition of practice, licensure classification of "graduate social worker" and "certified social worker" changed to "master social worker" and "independent clinical social worker", Secs. 34-30-1, 34-30-3, 34-30-5, 34-30-20, 34-30-22, 34-30-24, 34-30-30, 34-30-31, 34-30-33 am'd.
Administrative rules, further review by Legislative Reference Service and Joint Committee on Administrative Regulation Review under certain conditions, fees, Sec. 41-22-22.1 added
Boats and vessels, registration, Law Enforcement Agency., number sticker provided by dept., distinctive registration decals, distinctive letters authorized in lieu of numbers, fees, distrib. of part of fees to State Parks, Sec. 33-5-11am'd.
Income tax credits, increase for rural physicians and dentists, Secs. 40-18-130 to 40-18-132, inclusive, am'd.
Motor vehicles, truck weights, concrete mixing trucks, operation within 50 miles of home base, subject to maximum gross weight requirements, Sec. 32-9-20 am'd.
Election, repealing maximum age limitation, prohibiting general law age restriction, const. amend.
Heroes for Hire Tax Credit Act of 2012, renamed, Veterans Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-320, 40-18-321, 40-18-322 am'd.
Space, Alabama Space Authority created, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Development Office, Alabama Department of Transportation, Governors office, Legislature, promote space exploration
Health Dept., Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, membership expanded, operation, Sec. 22-18-5 am'd.
Alabama Ahead Act, commencing with 2016-2017 school year, to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools participation voluntary, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Section 14 of Act 2012-560, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.
Randolph Co., Randolph Health Care Authority, ad valorem tax, proceeds utilized to fund pensions of retired individuals from the health care authority
Alabama Ahead Act, commencing with 2015-2016 school year, to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools participation voluntary, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Section 14 of Act 2012-560, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.

Open Meetings Act, excludes boards of trustees of institutions of higher education created by statute from serial meeting requirements, Sec. 36-25A-2 am'd.
Cleburne Co., coroner, expenses further provided for
Emergency Medical Control Committee, membership, voting, EMS Advisory Board abolished, Sec. 22-18-5 repealed; Secs. 22-18-3, 22-18-40 am'd.
Legislative Services Agency established, Legislative Reference Service, Legislative Fiscal Office, Alabama Law Institute,combining offices, Secs. 29-5A-1 to 29-5A-4, 29-5A-20 to 29-5A-27, 29-5A-40 to 29-5A-46, 29-5A-60 to 29-5A-64 added; 29-5-1 to 29-5-10, 29-5-12, 29-5-13, 29-6-2.1, 29-7-1, 29-7-2, 29-7-4 to 29-7-13, 29-8-1 to 29-8-5, repealed
Ethics, informal opinion by State Ethics Commission provided, prohibition of elected public officials lobbying revised, thing of value definition revised, Sec. 36-25-4.4 added; Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-13, 36-25-23, 36-25-27 am'd.
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2017, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Legislature, retired under the Teachers' Retirement System or Employees' Retirement System authorized to earn compensation with an employer in the TRS or ERS, Secs. 16-25-26, 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Lieutenant Governor, duties and powers over Senate, removed, salary established, joint election with Governor established, const. amend.
Transportation Safety Fund, established in State Treasury, distribution of certain funds and redistribution to state, counties, and municipalities, use of funds and restrictions on use of funds
Motor vehicles, distinctive plates, further provided for, Act 2015-362, 2015 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 32-6-64.1, 32-6-68, 32-6-150.1, 32-6-250, 32-6-251, 32-6-630 am'd.
Competitive bid law, providing for length of time contracts for goods or services, excepting voice or wireless communications services, may be let, specify requirements for purchases from a sole source, permit purchases from vendor under general services administration contract and services from a competitive bid nationwide cooperative purchasing program, Secs. 16-13B-2, 16-13B-7 am'd.
Competitive bidding, preferred vendor status given to businesses owned by veterans who were deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) or Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq), Sec. 41-16-20 am'd.
Right to work, policy declared, cause of action declared, const. amend.
Firearms, pistol permits, valid military id has same effect for purposes authorizing of carrying concealed
Medical Examiners, powers and duties of Board of Medical Examiners, rulemaking authority clarified, Sec. 34-24-53.1 added
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Social Work Examiners, State Board of, definition of practice, licensure classification of "graduate social worker" and "certified social worker" changed to "master social worker" and "independent clinical social worker", Secs. 34-30-1, 34-30-3, 34-30-5, 34-30-20, 34-30-22, 34-30-24, 34-30-30, 34-30-31, 34-30-33 am'd.
Administrative rules, further review by Legislative Reference Service and Joint Committee on Administrative Regulation Review under certain conditions, fees, Sec. 41-22-22.1 added
Boats and vessels, registration, Law Enforcement Agency., number sticker provided by dept., distinctive registration decals, distinctive letters authorized in lieu of numbers, fees, distrib. of part of fees to State Parks, Sec. 33-5-11am'd.
Income tax credits, increase for rural physicians and dentists, Secs. 40-18-130 to 40-18-132, inclusive, am'd.
Motor vehicles, truck weights, concrete mixing trucks, operation within 50 miles of home base, subject to maximum gross weight requirements, Sec. 32-9-20 am'd.
Election, repealing maximum age limitation, prohibiting general law age restriction, const. amend.
Heroes for Hire Tax Credit Act of 2012, renamed, Veterans Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-320, 40-18-321, 40-18-322 am'd.
Space, Alabama Space Authority created, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Development Office, Alabama Department of Transportation, Governors office, Legislature, promote space exploration
Health Dept., Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, membership expanded, operation, Sec. 22-18-5 am'd.
Alabama Ahead Act, commencing with 2016-2017 school year, to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools participation voluntary, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Section 14 of Act 2012-560, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.
Randolph Co., Randolph Health Care Authority, ad valorem tax, proceeds utilized to fund pensions of retired individuals from the health care authority
Alabama Ahead Act, commencing with 2015-2016 school year, to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools participation voluntary, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Section 14 of Act 2012-560, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.

Unified appropriations for state General Fund and Education Trust Fund; state revenue sources unearmarked, effective Jan. 1, 2017, constitutional amendment
Harvesting of shrimp, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources authorized to establish areas that are closed to the commercial and recreational harvesting of shrimp, emergency ruling authority
County officers, Omnibus Pay Act, increases to be cost-of-living increases only, may be granted other than on adoption of budget, limitation during 4-year period, Sec. 11-2A-4 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, commercial fishing, net and seine permits, transfers for physical hardship authorized, renewal without regard to certain income requirements for license year 2016, Sec. 9-12-113 am'd.
Income tax credit, to physicians, physician assistants, and advanced practice nurse for providing clinical rotation in community based health clinics
Lee Co., sheriff, annual salary
Tax credits, add'l tax credits for employers who hire certain military veterans
Heroes for Hire Tax Credit Act of 2012, renamed, Veterans Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-320, 40-18-321, 40-18-322 am'd.
Income tax credit, to physicians, physician assistants, and advanced practice nurse for providing clinical rotation in community based health clinics
Hospitals, to require to provide information and instructions to caregivers upon discharge of patient
State agencies, fees levied which are retained to fund agency, increases based on Consumer Price Index authorized to be adopted by rule, periodic fees thereafter every five years
Senior Services Department, commissioner, administer ratio of dept., Board of Directors to serve as advisory board, Secs. 38-3-1, 38-3-2, 38-3-3, 38-3-4, 38-3-5, 38-3-6, 38-3-7 am'd.
Voting, presidential elections, nominating petitions must be filed with Secretary of State no later than 82 days preceeding the elections, petitions filed with party chair 116 days before elections, names withdrawn within 76 days of elections, Secs. 17-13-102, 17-13-104, 17-13-105, 17-14-31 am'd.
Municipalities with population less than 19,000, auth. to enforce speed limits on interstate highways, provision repealed, Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Health, contracts for health care services, payment not restricted to credit card only, Transparency in Health Insurer Payment Transactions, Sec. 27-1-17.1 added
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Tax Assessors, Tax Collector, Co. Revenue Commissioners, supernumerary status, salary cap, co. commission may remove, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Associate degree, awarding of by 2-year public college to students who transfer to 4-year public college and subsequently qualify, Sec. 16-5-8.5 added
Courts, circuit and districts, witnesses, video testimony authorize for members of Armed Services on active duty, requirements, Armed Services Accommodation Act, Sec. 12-21-135.1 added
National Guard Educational Assistance Act, definition of tuition revised, applicant required to submit Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA), Secs. 31-10-2, 31-10-3 am'd.
Space, Alabama Space Authority created, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Development Office, Alabama Department of Transportation, Governors office, Legislature, promote space exploration
Municipal Electric Authority, board of directors, number of members increased, compensation of board members and accounting firm further provided for, Sec. 11-50A-6 am'd.
Alabama Ahead Act, commencing with 2015-2016 school year, to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools participation voluntary, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Section 14 of Act 2012-560, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.

Elections, procedure for conducting federal instant runoff primary election and special federal ballot for primary elections and second primary elections for voters voting absentee ballot, where nomination for a federal office other than President is contested by three or more candidates, Sec. 17-13-8.1 added
Abortion, definition of person, removing provision that a person may not be prosecuted for conduct relating to an abortion, Sec. 13A-6-1 am'd.
Motor vehicles, National Guard tags, exemption applicable to other plates, insurance, evidence by electronic format, Revenue Department authorized to send notices in electronic format, Sec. 32-7A-26 added; Secs. 31-2-12, 32-6-110, 32-7A-6, 40-12-244 am'd.
Firearms, pistol permits, valid military id has same effect for purposes authorizing of carrying concealed
Office of Regulatory Oversight created, regulation of boards and agencies, clearly articulated state policy objectives, review by office of board policies
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill disaster Settlement, distribution of funds to relieve certain debt of the state and remaining funds transferred to the Alabama Trust Fund

Military, Code of Justice, disciplinary penalties, reduction in rank prohibited in certain cases, commanding officer defined to include certain warrant officers, summary court martial, authority, Secs. 31-2A-1, 31-2A-15, 31-2A-20 am'd.
Student data, use of by providers of cloud computing service
Firefighters, death or disability for occupational disease for firefighters, no time limitation upon filing a claim for disability benefits, may resubmit claims under certain conditions, Secs. 11-43-144, 36-30-5, 36-30-20, 36-30-22, 36-30-40, 36-30-41 am'd.
Crime Victims Compensation Commission, definition of funeral expenses and work loss, payments to victims, administrative expense of commission, Secs. 15-23-3, 15-23-5, 15-23-15 am'd.
Lee Co., additional circuit judge, conditioned on funding for compensation and benefits by county commission, election
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, Legion of Valor member authorized to receive license tag without cost, Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.
Youthful offenders, records and photographs of, access to by district attorneys and Attorney General, Secs. 12-15-133. 15-19-7 am'd.
Legislature, elections, vacancy in office of senator or representative, Governor to fill vacancy if it occurs after the last day of third regular session in any quadrennium, Sec. 17-15-1 am'd.
Legislature, fill vacant position in certain circumstances, Section 46 (Section 46, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended) am'd., const. amend.
Alabama Poultry Farm Revolving Loan Fund, established, administered by the Department of Agriculture and Industries, revenue bonds authorized
Virtual Public Schools Act, local boards of education may provide alternative choice for education via the Internet
Tobacco Master Settlement agreement, deposit of funds into escrow, certain cigarette sales included, tobacco importers liable for escrow deposit obligations under certain conditions, seizure and forfeiture of cigarettes under certain conditions, permitting and bond requirements, Secs. 6-12-2, 6-12-3, 6-12A-2, 6-12A-3, 6-12A-5 am'd.
Employment regulation, counties, municipalities, or other political subdivision may not require employers to grant vacation or other leave to employees
Competitive bids, expands the time period for letting of contracts, Sec. 16-13B-7 am'd.
Sex offenders, convicted of crime with a minor, prohibited within 500 feet of public school K-12 property during instructional hours, Class C felony, Sec. 15-20A-17 am'd.
Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority, membership, gasoline tax revenues pledged to secure bonds of authority, parity of pledge provided, investments further provided for, Secs. 23-1-181, 23-1-301, 23-1-305, 23-1-309, 23-1-311, 23-1-313, 23-1-314, 23-1-315 am'd.
Public Safety Department and State Personnel Department, establish a new classification, Trooper First Class, recover cost of training
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2017, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Motor vehicle license plates and validation decals, Revenue Department authorized to contract with third party to print and deliver tags, Department of Corrections to receive same funds, Sec. 32-6-64.1 added
Distinctive motor vehicle tags, disabled veterans, members of Armed Forces, volunteer firefighters and volunteer rescue squads, except from license tax and registration fees, number of vehicles eligible increased, Secs. 40-12-244, 40-12-254 am'd.
Professional Bondsman, certification and examination of required, continuing education required, fees, disbursement of fees, suspension
Voter registration, board of registrars, prohibited time of registering any person as a qualified elector extended from 10 to 17 days prior to election, probate judge required to print voter list within 10 days of an election, Sec. 17-3-50, 17-4-2 am'd.
Legislature, members, required to be tested if reasonable suspicion person might be using controlled substances, Section 47 (Section 47, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Judge of probate, estates, bond of conservators, executors, administrators, liability limited unless grossly negligent, judicial immunity further provided for, Secs. 26-3-13, 43-2-82 am'd.
Fishing, additional licenses, new resident and nonresident state lake fishing license, new nonresident 3-day license, public fishing pier and annual saltwater fishing pier licenses, disabled 3-day fishing license, Sec. 9-11-56.3 am'd.
Workers' compensation, medicines, employee may choose his or her own pharmacy, Sec. 25-5-77 am'd.
Court costs, docket fee for distribution, distribute to clerk, administrative rules, promulgation by Administrative Office of Courts
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Airbag fraud, crime created, penalties, enhanced penalties for physical injury, Sec. 13A-11-270 am'd, Sec. 13A-11-271 repealed
Property, Alabama Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, created
Public works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards based on collective bargaining agreements, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, exemptions
Armories, money from rental of armories to be paid to the Armory Commission, Sec. 31-4-15 am'd.
Space, Alabama Space Authority created, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Development Office, Alabama Department of Transportation, Governors office, Legislature, promote space exploration
Right to work, policy declared, cause of action declared, const. amend.
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 40-18-100 am'd.
Motor vehicle license tags, renewals, additional time for deployed military, Sec. 32-6-65 am'd.
Veterans benefits, dependents, postsecondary education, scholarships, requirement for veteran's service to have been during war or hazardous duty, limited to undergraduate study, deleted, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Planning and zoning, Military Land Use Planning Act, municipalities and counties, military installations, notification of proposal of land use changes, Sec. 11-52-8 am'd.; Secs. 11-106-1 to 11-106-5, inclusive, added
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Fair Ballot Commission created, membership and terms provided for, require Secretary of State provide explanation of measures and post on website, Alabama Informed Voter Act created
Finance Department, Division of Purchasing, authorized to purchase personal property from vendors not on statewide contract under certain conditions, exemption, Sec. 41-4-110 am'd.
Alabama Open Meetings Act, members of governmental bodies may participate in meetings and deliberation electronically
National Guard Educational Assistance Act, definition of tuition revised, annual benefit increased, Sec. 31-10-2 am'd.
Competitive bids, expands the time period for letting of contracts, Sec. 16-13B-7 am'd.
Kyle Graddy Act, possession and self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by students permitted, Sec. 16-1-39 am'd
Motor vehicles, farm tags for truck tractors, provision limiting a farmer to one farm tag for truck tractors deleted, Sec. 40-12-248 am'd.
Municipalities with population less than 19,000, auth. to enforce speed limits on interstate highways, provision repealed, Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Environment, Alabama Drought Assessment and Planning Team established, power and duties, the Monitoring and Impacts Group Subcommittee established, membership, duties, responsibilities
Tax Assessors, Tax Collector, Co. Revenue Commissioners, supernumerary status, salary cap, co. commission may remove, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Alabama Ahead Act. commencing with 2014-2015 school year, revised to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools given question of participating, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.

Motor vehicles, medium speed vehicles, defined, licensure, restrictions, safety standards, title not required, Sec. 32-6-59.1 added; Secs. 32-8-31, 40-12-240 am'd.
Taxation, band instruments of certain value exempt from sales and use tax during tax holiday, Sec. 40-23-210 am'd.
Judges, age restriction of 70 removed, Section 6.16 (Section 155, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Lee Co., Lake Harding, no-wake speed required within specified distance of dock or pier
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, out-of-state colleges and universities, legislative oversight committee authorized to approve applications, Secs. 32-6-67, 32-6-68 am'd.
Space, Alabama Space Authority created, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Development Office, Alabama Department of Transportation, Governors office, Legislature, promote space exploration
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Military, Military Department, Armory Commission, money from rental of armory to be paid to the Armory Fund, Sec. 31-4-15 am'd.
Clay Co., court costs, Clay Co. Commission no longer authorized to impose fee on municipal court cases, municipality authorized to assess and retain fee on cases filed in municipal court, distrib. to municipality's general fund, Sec. 45-14-80.03 am'd.
Judges of probate to use same on-line filing system as Secretary of State, Sec. 10A-1-4.02 am'd.
Motor Vehicles, distinctive license plates, Bronze Star plate, additional fee, distrib. to Veterans' Assistance Fund
Elections, crime of paying for or accepting payment for a vote reclassified from Class C misdemeanor to Class C felony. Sec. 17-17-34 am'd.
Elections, absentee ballots, Sec. of State by emergency rule may permit first responders to vote absentee, expenses paid by state, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-7 am'd.
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2007, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Code of Alabama 1975, Acts of 2012 Regular Session and 2012 First Special Session as contained in 2012 supplements and replacement volumes, codified with certain corrections, local laws of certain counties codified, duties of Secretary of State, Secs. 34-17-21 am'd.
Rescue Squads, Alabama Association of, voluntary contribution through ad valorem tax process
Donated funds, equipment, or property to organized search, air, and rescue squads, Sec. 9-3-18 am'd.
Rescue Squads, Alabama Association of Rescue Squads, exemption from state and local lodging taxes, Sec. 40-26-1 am'd.
Competitive bids, expands the time period for letting of contracts, Sec. 16-13B-7 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, retail licensees, servers required to register with Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, fees, fines, penalties, Secs. 28-1-8 to 28-1-15, inclusive, added
Mental Health, substance abuse, counties and municipalities, drug rehabilitation homes to be approved by governing authority of municipality or county, Sec. 22-50-17 am'd.
Capital Improvement Trust Fund, bonding authority granted under Amendment 666, increased, payments from Alabama Trust Fund to fund any bond issued, proceeds for maintenance of National Guard armories, const. amend.
Children and incapacitated persons, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle prohibited, criminal penalties, Amiyah White Act
Farmers' Market Authority, transfer to Agriculture and Industries Department, approval of Commissioner and Board of Agriculture and Industries for certain actions by authority, duties, bonding authority, Secs. 2-5-1 to 2-5-17, incl., 2-5-30 to 2-5-39, incl., repealed; Secs. 2-5A-1 to 2-5A-15, incl., 2-5A-30 to 2-5A-39, incl., added
Ad valorem tax, homestead exemption from local taxes, disabled and person over 65, exemption restored for disabled without regard to income, exemption for persons 65 and over further provided for based on state taxable income, effect to substantially repeal Act 2012-313, 2012 Reg. Sess.; Sec. 40-9-21.2 added, Secs. 40-9-19, 40-9-21, 40-9-21.1am'd.
Gulf State Park, sale of project site precluded, Governor to approve long-term lease of any state park property, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, Gulf State Park Project Committee established, proposal exempt from certain statutes, contingent upon market feasibility study by the Gulf State Park Project Committee, Chapter 14B of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14B-1 to 9-14B-22, inclusive, Chapter 14D of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14D-1 to 9-14D-5, inclusive, repealed
Entities, dormant, exempt from business privilege tax, Sec. 40-14A-44 added
Alabama Ahead Act. commencing with 2013-2014 school year, revised to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools given question of participating, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.
Elections, absentee voting, allow any qualified elector to vote by absentee ballot, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-5, 17-11-7 am'd.
State employees, cost-of-living increase authorized
Environment, Alabama Drought Assessment and Planning Team established, power and duties, the Monitoring and Impacts Group Subcommittee established, membership, duties, responsibilities
Agriculture, irrigation equipment, income tax credit for installation of, qualified reservoir defined, carry forward and pass through of tax credits, further provided for, shareholders authorized to claim pro rata share of tax credit, Sec. 40-18-342 am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, fees, portion deposited in Penny Trust Fund directed to Senior Services Trust Fund, Sec. 32-6-68 am'd.
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Rifles, municipalities prohibited from enacting ordinances regarding use of, Sec. 11-45-1.1 am'd.
Taxation, requirement that totally and permanetly disabled person be retired to claim ad valorem homestead exemption deleted, Secs. 40-9-19, 40-9-21, am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive tags, new categories, Revenue Department application fee process, submission limited to once annually where tag lacks required commitments, Sec. 32-6-64 am'd
Use of force in defense of a person, authorized by an owner, employee, or other person authorized to be on business premises if another person is attempting or committing robbery or burglary on the premises, Sec, 13A-3-23 am'd.
Retirement, retirees of Employees' Retirement System limited to certain annual amount, annual compensation limitation removed for certain law enforcement officers who are retired, Sec. 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Joint Committee on Legislative Operations, Senate Committee on Senate Operations, House Committee on House Operations created, authorized to employ personnel of Legislative Reference Service, Legislative Fiscal Office, Examiners of Public Accounts, and House of Representatives and Senate, other administrative functions assigned, Legislative Council, Joint Fiscal Committee, Legislative Committee on Public Accounts, Legislative Building Authority, abolished, Secs. 8-6-53, 8-19C-3, 9-11-68, 9-11-69, 11-100-4, 16-5-8.3, 16-6B-11, 17-11-42, 29-1-22, 29-1-24, 29-2-52, 29-2-200, 29-2-201, 29-4-20, 29-4-22, 29-4-25, 29-4-30, 29-4-32, 29-4-35, 29-4-40, 29-4-42, 29-5-2, 29-5-3, 29-5-4, 29-5-13, 29-7-2, 29-7-4, 29-7-6, 29-7-10, 29-8-1, 29-8-2, 29-8-3, 29-8-4, 29-8-5, 30-3-8, 33-2-185, 34-14B-5, 36-7-24, 36-7-25, 36-13-30, 36-25-4.2, 38-7A-4, 40-2-9, 40-23-203, 41-5-3, 41-5-6, 41-5-9, 41-9-374, 41-9-715, 41-10-44.5, 41-16-27, 41-16-82, 41-19-3, 41-19-3.1, 41-20-4, 41-21-4, 41-21-7, 41-22-3, 41-22-22, 41-22-23, 41-22-24 am'd.; Secs. 29-2-50, 29-2-51, 29-6-1 to 29-6-7, inclusive, 29-7-5, 41-5-18, 41-15-19 repealed
Firearms, right to bear arms, strict scrutiny standard required for certain denials of right, const. amend.
Tax credit, investment in Alabama entrepreneurial business
State Treasurer, State Treasury Operations Fund created for operation of Unclaimed Property program and SAFE program, Secs. 35-12-81, 41-14A-12, 41-14A-14 am'd.
Information Technology, Office of, coordination of information technology of state agencies created, Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology established, power and duties, secretary exempt from Sunset Law, Secs. 16-61D-1 to 16-61D-6, inclusive, repealed; Sec. 41-4-221 am'd.
Administrative Procedure Act, rules, approval and disapproval by Joint Legislative Committee, procedures, appeal of disapproval to Lt. Gov., Secs. 41-22-5, 41-22-6, 41-22-22, 41-22-23, 41-22-24 am'd.
Kyle Graddy Act, possession and self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by students permitted, Sec. 16-1-39 am'd
Voter registration list, notification to persons purged from voter registration list for conviction of crime by U.S. mail rather than certified mail, Sec. 17-4-3 am'd.
Law Enforcement Agency, state, created, secretary appointed by Governor, law enforcement and investigative, and homeland security functions of, consolidated and reorganized, secretary to serve as chair of the Criminal Justice Information Center Commission, certain Public Safety Funds, created, Secs. 41-9-592, 41-9-593 am'd.
Veterans, family educational benefits, limited to tuition only for family members granted benefits for the first time after August 1, 2012, Secs. 31-6-2, 31-6-4, 31-6-5, 31-6-6, 31-6-15 am'd.
Veterans benefits, wife, widow, or child, postsecondary education, scholarships, requirement for veteran's service to have been during war or hazardous duty, deleted, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
State agencies, fees levied which are retained to fund agency, increases based on Consumer Price Index authorized to be adopted by rule, periodic fees thereafter every five years
Rural physicians, income tax credit increased, Sec. 40-18-132 am'd.
Municipalities with population less than 19,000, auth. to enforce speed limits on interstate highways, provision repealed, Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Fair Ballot Commission created, membership and terms provided for, require Secretary of State provide explanation of measures and post on website, Alabama Informed Voter Act created
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, distinctive license plates authorized, applications to be separate from passenger car applications, number to be based on Quantity Class 2, Sec. 32-6-64 am'd.
Hate crimes, crimes of arson, burglary, or criminal mischief committed against religious property, additional penalties, Sec. 13A-5-13 am'd.
Movies, television, and commercials, production companies, rebates for qualified expenses for amounts exceeding Alabama income tax liability, retroactive, Sec. 41-7A-43 am'd.
Public Safety, Secretary of Public Safety created; Public Safety Fund created, certain investigative and law enforcement function of various state entities consolidated, Department of Public Safety reorganized, Homeland Security Department eliminated, uniform changes by Code Commissioner required
Higher Education, 2-year institutions authorize to charge resident tuition for nonresident distance learning students Secs. 16-64-2, 16-64-4 am'd.
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment
Higher Education, 2-year institutions authorize to charge resident tuition for nonresident distance learning students Sec. 16-64-4 am'd.
Right to work, policy declared, cause of action declared, const. amend.
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Legislative costs, appropriation made for unexpended funds, required appropriation repealed, Sec. 29-1-22, repealed
Medicaid programs, ensuring appropriate access to medicines for premature infants, created, Medicaid program required to develop and implement policies to streamline process for access to covered drug for premature infants.

Alabama Virtual Instruction Program, State Department of Education required to establish online distance learning program for K-12 students
Education Trust Fund, Rainy Day Account within Alabama Trust Fund, repealed, prior withdrawals not replenished, Amendment 803 (Section 260.02, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed
Chambers Co., tobacco tax, distrib., Sec. 45-9-244 am'd.
Randolph Co., tobacco tax, portion distrib. for establishment of District Community Service Office, Act 2003-213, 2003 Reg. Sess. amended and reenacted; Act 2010-402, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Beef, labeling and notice of presence of lean finely textured beef products, Public Health and Agriculture and Industries, rules, civil penalties
Environment, prohibit state, counties, etc., from developing environmental and developmental policies that would infringe on the due process of citizens
Clay Co., tobacco tax, distrib. county legislative delegation office provided for, Secs. 45-14-244.02, 45-14-244.05 am'd.; Sec. 45-14-244.04 reenacted and added
Accomplice testimony, Sec. 12-21-222 repealed
Alabama Tourism Attraction Incentive Act, established, tax incentive and capital credits authorized for certain tourism attractions, Secs. 40-9B-3, 40-18-190, 40-18-193 am'd
Uniform Parentage Act, assisted reproduction, spouse of married man or woman regarding to consent to donation of sperm or eggs, Sec. 26-17-704 am'd
Motor vehicles, distinctive tags, new categories, Revenue Department application fee process, submission limited to once annually where tag lacks required commitments, Sec. 32-6-64 am'd
Motor vehicles, parts, components, and systems used in the conversion, reconfiguration, or maintenance, physical and mental challenges to meet the needs of owner, conversion of motor vehicle exempt from motor vehicle license fees of Chapter 6, Title 32, Sec. 40-23-4 am'd
Alabama Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts Act, renamed as Alabama Boxing, Wrestling, and Mixed Martial Arts Act, wrestling included under regulation of Alabama Athletic Commission, Secs. 41-9-1020, 41-9-1021, 41-9-1023, 41-9-1024, 41-9-1028, 41-9-1029, 41-9-1030, 41-9-1032, 41-9-1033, 41-9-1034, 41-9-1035, 41-9-1036, 41-9-1037, 41-9-1038 am'd
Athlete Agents, student athletes, negotiating enrollment at specific educational institutions prohibited, criminal penalties, registration with proof of league players association required, commission authorized to issue reprimands and additional penalties, Secs. 8-26A-2, 8-26A-4, 8-26A-5, 8-26A-6, 8-26A-9, 8-26A-10, 8-26A-11, 8-26A-13, 8-26A-14, 8-26A-15, 8-26A-17, 8-26A-30 am'd
Veterans Tag Program, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, veterans who receive National Defense Service Award are eligible for veteran tags, Sec. 32-6-350 am'd
Criminal cases, appeals, bail upon issuance of writ of error, procedures for, Sec. 12-22-222 repealed
Fire Protection, Alabama Association of Rescue Squads, voluntary contributions from amounts due on automobile and boat fire insurance
Teachers' Retirement System and Employees' Retirement System, reopened for purchase of prior service credit for employment with U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Taxation, exempt certain military personnel from income tax, Jason Barfield Act
Hospitals and emergency medical services, statewide trauma system and council, council amended, coordination of pre-hospital and hospital care, regulated by Health Department and other systems and other health services for other illnesses, Secs. 22-11D-1 to 22-11D-9, inclusive, am'd; Sec. 22-11D-10 added
State sales and use tax increased, phase-in period, sales and use tax on food phased out, exempt by 2007, counties and municipalities prohibited from increasing sales tax on food, Secs. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Real property, state, county, municipality, and any other governmental entity appraisal obtained, purchase price must not be more than appraisal
Higher education, National Guard classified as residents for purposes of in-state tuition, Sec. 16-64-2 am'd.
Farm wineries, licensing, fees, distribution, and sale of wine, Secs. 28-3-1, 28-7-13, 28-7-18 am'd
Veterans' Affairs, State Department of, college scholarships for dependants of veterans, benefits available only during certain periods of service, exception for education program commenced by certain date, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Firearms and ammunition in motor vehicles, certain persons and entities prohibited from establishing policies against persons transporting or storing firearms or ammunition in motor vehicles under certain conditions, civil actions authorized for certain violations, limited immunity for certain injuries.
Municipalities, mayors, vacancies, procedures for filling in municipalities with population of 12,000 or more inhabitants, Sec. 11-44G-2, Code of Alabama 1975, not to apply, Sec. 11-44G-2 am'd.
Volunteer fire departments or rescue squads, state, counties, municipalities, donation of property, disposal after donation further provided for, Sec. 9-3-18 am'd.
Motor Vehicle, distinctive license tag, fees, portion deposited in Penny Trust Fund deposited in Senior Services Trust Fund, Sec. 32-6-68 am'd
Motor fuel, rebates or discounts which make selling price below cost to wholesaler or retailer, prohibition repealed, Sec. 8-22-10 repealed
Alabama National Guard, disciplinary authority and procedures revised, new model military code similar to federal Uniform Code of Military Justice, Secs. 31-2-92 to 31-2-98, inclusive, 31-2-101, 31-2-103, 31-2-127 repealed
Insulin, insulin syringes, and related items to treat diabetes, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax, retroactive applications under certain conditions
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Unemployment compensation, compensable week further defined, Sec. 25-4-73 am'd
Economic Development, entertain industry incentives, qualifed production project, qualified expenditure available for rebate or exemption increased, Sec. 41-7A-43, 41-7A-48, am'd; Act 2011-695, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Timber and forest products, crime of willful removal of timber and other forest products by deception, Class A misdemeanor, Sec. 9-13-60 am'd.
Vital Records, State Registrar authorized to issue Certificate of Foreign Birth without judicial proceedings if certain criteria are satisfied, Karina's Law, Sec. 22-9A-11.1 added
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, veterans, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor recipients and former prisoners of war, and surviving spouses, additional tags without payment of license tax or registration fee, including ad valorem tax, authorized, Sec. 32-6-250 am'd.
Economic Development, tax incentives for certain qualifying projects developing or expanding in state, job creation, retention component, Alabama Development Office and Finance Director to recommend to Governor to approve the project, Alabama Job Creation and Retention Act
Retirement, benefits for state law enforcement officers (state police), overtime pay and subsistance allowance included in earnable compensation for retirement purposes, Secs. 36-21-4, 36-27-1 am'd.
Elder Abuse, Interagency Council for the Prevention of, established, members, duties, subject to Sunset Law, reports to Governor, and Legislature, Elder Abuse Prevention Act
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Public schools, grades K to 12, classroom supplies, appropriation out of Education Trust Fund, State Superintendent of Education to promulgate rules re
Judicial offices, maximum age for election or appointment to judicial office increased to 75 years, Section 6.16 (Section 155, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, hunting and fishing licenses, Alabama National Guard active members, license not required if proof of status shown, Sec. 9-11-35.2 added
Funerals, disrupting, crime further provided for, distance of protest from property line of funeral facility further provided for, Sec. 13A-11-17 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds (2012-20467)
Motor carrier transportation contracts, contracts by motor carriers and entities shipping may not limit liability for each party for their own negligence, exception, Sec. 37-3-23.1 added
Alabama Economic Development Trust Fund, established, funded by two percent administrative fee from bonds issued by the state, state agencies, or authorities for economic development purposes
Immigration, legal status and/or proof of citizenship, valid documents for voter registration, same documents applicable for business transaction, military identification added as valid document, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 31-13-29 am'd.
Public schools, grades 9-12, textbooks and instructional materials, Education Department to provide in electronic format to each student as feasible
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, const. amend., Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Medicaid programs, ensuring appropriate access to medicines for premature infants, created, Medicaid program required to develop and implement policies to streamline process for access to covered drug for premature infants.
Ethics, further defining "thing of value", allowing gifts to teachers, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, civil immunity to water suppliers who are in compliance or receive an exemption from ADEM, Sec. 22-23-35.1 added
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, Legion of Valor member authorized to receive license tag without cost, Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.
Data processing centers locating in Alabama, certain ad valorem tax and construction related transaction tax abatements authorized, requirements, Data Processing Center Economic Incentive Enhancement Act, Secs. 40-9B-3, 40-9B-4, 40-18-193 am'd.
Automobile clubs, licensure by Insurance Department, limited liability companies authorized to be licensed, Sec. 27-39-3 am'd.
Veterans, additional tax credits for previously unemployed veterans who became employed or began a business, "Heroes for Hire " Act
Human trafficking, penalties enhanced for subsequent convictions, sex offenders required to disclose Internet service providers, additional fines authorized for persons convicted of human trafficking, Act 2011-640, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 13A-6-152, 13A-6-153, 15-20A-7 am'd
Taxation, income tax credit for purchase and installation of irrigation systems, water wells and reservoirs by agricultural entities
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Immigration law, provision barring unlawfully present aliens from attending a public postsecondary school clarified, crime of criminal harboring of unlawfully present alien modified to exclude rentals to aliens, crime of conspiracy to transport alien eliminated, bail for certain detained aliens allowed under certain circumstances, collection of information related to attempts to register to vote by noncitizens required, admissibility of certain evidence regarding determinations of alien status, clarified, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 31-13-8, 31-13-10, 31-13-11, 31-13-13, 31-13-18, 31-13-19, 31-13-26, 31-13-28, 31-13-29, 32-6-9 am'd; Secs. 31-13-5, 31-13-6, 31-13-27 repealed
Ethics, further defining "thing of value", allowing gifts to teachers, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment, const. amend.
Hate crimes, crimes of arson, burglary, or criminal mischief committed against religious property, additional penalties, Sec. 13A-5-13 am'd.
Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center Commission and the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center, members, operation, powers, duties, fees, information relating to homeland security, crime of misuse of ACJIC information established, Statistical Analysis Center established, National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact ratified and implemented, Secs. 41-9-590, 41-9-591, 41-9-592, 41-9-594, 41-9-595, 41-9-597, 41-9-600, 41-9-601, 41-9-621, 41-9-622, 41-9-623, 41-9-625, 41-9-630 am'd.
Competitive bids, contracts of higher education institutions, minimum amount increased, Sec. 41-16-20 am'd. (2012-20153)
Veterans' Affairs, State Department of, employees, salaries and expenses, payment from State General Fund further provided for, Sec. 31-5-14 am'd.
Workers' compensation insurance, volunteer fire departments and rescue squads, Insurance Department to set rates, based on certain annual payroll per person, Sec. 25-5-50 am'd.
Motor vehicles, speed limits, local law enforcement officers being prohibited from enforcing speed limits on Interstates and in police jurisdiction, provisions deleted, Act 2010-564, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.

Motor Vehicle, distinctive license tag, fees, earmarked for Department of Senior Services, Sec. 32-6-68 am'd
Senate, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education

Rental property, tenants authorized to vacate and terminate rental agreement on dwelling damaged by weather disaster of April 2011, Sec. 35-9A-406 am'd.
Ad valorem tax, property classified as residential or a homestead not affected under certain conditions when property damaged by natural disasters such as tornadoes, Secs. 40-8-1, 40-9-19 am'd.
Health care benefits, state subsidized, adults applying for or receiving, testing initially and periodically for substance abuse required, ineligibility for positive tests, Health Department to administer, payment for tests, State Health Officer to promulgate rules pursuant to Administrative Procedure Act to implement, certain persons exempt, Patient Accountability and Personal Responsibility Act
Congressional redistricting, pursuant to 2010 federal census, Sec. 17-14-70 repealed and reenacted (2011-21173)
State Board of Education, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, Sec. 16-3-1.1 repealed and reenacted
Forever Wild Land Trust, payments to extended for certain number of years, const. amend.
Workers' compensation insurance, volunteer fire departments and rescue squads, Insurance Department to set rates, based on certain annual payroll per person, Sec. 25-5-50 am'd.
Elevator Safety Review Board, regulation of elevators and inspection of elevators in private residences, authority to place elevators out of service, local regulation preempted, Sec. 25-13-18 am'd.
Lee Co., fire districts, definition of dwelling, rates, emergency medical services, employment of paid firefighters, ballots, Act 89-390, 1989 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Chiropractors, term chiropractic further defined, schools teaching chiropractic required to be accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education, additionally certified chiropractors authorized to prescribe and administer certain drugs and natural compounds, Sec. 34-24-120 am'd.
Alabama National Guard, disciplinary authority and procedures revised, new model military code similar to federal Uniform Code of Military Justice, Secs. 31-2-92 to 31-2-98, inclusive, 31-2-101, 31-2-103, 31-2-127 repealed
Opelika, motor vehicles, automated traffic infraction device, use for red light enforcement authorized, procedures, posting of informational signs, civil fines and court costs, additional court costs for record keeping by Criminal Justice Information Center, appeals, penalties for intentional tampering with device, Opelika Red Light Safety Act
Candidates for public office having a minimum age requirement, required to provide certified copy of birth certificate
Gun shows, business license tax levied on organizer not participants under certain conditions, Sec. 40-12-143 am'd.
County roads, forestry harvesting operations, prior notice to county commission, limitations, civil fines, other permits, bonds prohibited, Sec. 23-1-80.1 added
Public Service Commission, transfer of certain amount of funds from Dual Party Relay Fund to Education Trust Fund before certain designated dates, Sec. 37-1-80.2 am'd.
Lee Co., additional circuit judge, conditioned on funding for compensation and benefits by county commission, election
Public Service Commission, transfer of certain amount of funds from Dual Party Relay Fund to Education Trust Fund before certain designated dates, Sec. 37-1-80.2 am'd.
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Elections, U. S. President, Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote, compact adopted
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, limit on cost of tuition for certain PACT plan contract participants, repealed, Act 2010-725, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Secs. 16-33C-17, 16-33C-18 repealed
Physicians, licensed to practice medicine, who volunteers services with local Strategic Weapon and Assault Team (SWAT), immunity from civil liability
Entities with tax exempt status operating dental clinics, exempt from Dental Practice Act, required to register with State Board of Dental Examiners, professional employees of clinics to comply with dental licensing law, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added
School bus drivers, use of electronic device, mobile telephone, cellular telephone prohibited while operating school bus, penalties
Education employees, procedures regarding employment actions of revised, Teacher Tenure Law and Fair Dismissal Act repealed, Students First Act, Sec. 16-24B-7, 16-24-1 to 16-24-22, inclusive, 36-26-100 to 36-26-116, inclusive, repealed (2011-20831)
Contractors and subcontractors performing highway, road, street repairs, construction, or maintenance work, injuries resulting, liability and responsibility terminated by Transportation Department or county or local government upon acceptance that highway, road, or street project is in substantial compliance with contract documents, plans, and specifications
Alabama Teachers' Planned Retirement Option (ATPRO), optional retirement account for members of Teachers' Retirement System beginning fiscal year 2012-2013
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization
Abortion, physician guidelines prior to administering an abortion-inducing drug, civil and criminal penalties, Abortion-Inducing Drug Safety Act
Individual Development Account Program, established in Human Resources Department, created for individuals with low income
Lee Co., sheriff, authorized to sell certain abandoned, unclaimed, or stolen firearms, Act 98-577, 1998 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Lee Co., coroner, vehicle allowance provided for, Act 2001-638, 2001 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Marijuana (sic), synthetic cannabinoids, certain additional chemical compounds prohibited, Sec. 13A-12-214.1 am'd.; Act 2010-717, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Mental Health Department, licensure for care or treatment for mental or emotional illness or intellectual disability, licensed professional counselor and a church or ministry providing religious services excepted, mental illness and substance abuse treatment defined, Secs. 22-50-1, 22-50-17 am'd. (2011-20664)
Judicial offices, maximum age for election or appointment to judicial office increased to 75 years, Section 6.16 (Section 155, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Entertainment Industry Incentive Act of 2009, qualified production companies, tax rebates further provided for, tax exemptions limited to state portion of sales, use, and lodging tax, Secs. 41-7A-43, 41-7A-45 am'd.
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Motor vehicles, low speed vehicles and mini trucks, licensure, restrictions, safety equipment, title not required, Sec. 32-6-59 added; Secs. 32-8-31, 40-12-240 am'd.; Act 2010-579, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Public Service Commission, inspection and supervision fees, portion distrib. to General Fund, Sec. 37-4-23 am'd.
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council
Children First Trust Fund, receipts allocated for State Board of Education transferred to General Fund during fiscal year ending 2011
Teacher tenure, procedure for contract cancellation by a teacher redefined, procedure for reemployment of teachers clarified, Secs. 16-24-11, 16-24-12 am'd.
Gambling devices, possession, penalty increased, Sec. 13A-12-27 am'd.
Industrial parks, county commission required to use judicial process to enforce restrictions on use of land and to abolish or remove portion of territory under certain conditions, Secs. 11-23-4, 11-23-7 am'd.
Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center Commission and the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center, members, operation, powers, duties, fees, information relating to homeland security, crime of misuse of ACJIC information established, Statistical Analysis Center established, National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact ratified and implemented, Secs. 41-9-590, 41-9-591, 41-9-592, 41-9-594, 41-9-595, 41-9-597, 41-9-600, 41-9-601, 41-9-621, 41-9-622, 41-9-623, 41-9-625, 41-9-630 am'd.
Competitive bids, contracts of higher education institutions, minimum amount increased, Sec. 41-16-20 am'd.
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Wrongful Death Act, venue by personal representative of deceased, in county where the suit could be filed if deceased were still living, Sec. 6-5-410 am'd. (2011-20341)
Child custody, parenting plan required, requirements, shared parenting unless parent found not fit by court, appellate review, Children's Family Act, Sec. 30-3-158 added; Secs. 30-3-150 to 30-3-155, inclusive, 30-3-157 am'd.; Secs. 30-3-1, 30-3-2, repealed
Animals, fighting dogs, procedures for seizing, disposition process expedited, bond required under certain conditions, forfeiture of dog under certain conditions, Sec. 3-1-29 am'd.
Hate crimes, crimes of arson, burglary, or criminal mischief committed against religious property, additional penalties, Sec. 13A-5-13 am'd.
Schools, special school tax elections, procedures, certain elections to be held in conjunction with general or primary elections, payment of costs, Secs. 16-13-160 to 16-13-162, inclusive, 16-13-164, 16-13-180, 16-13-183 to 16-13-185, inclusive, am'd.; Secs. 16-13-181, 16-13-186 repealed
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Euthanasia of cats and dogs in animal shelters, gas chambers prohibited, delayed effective date, Beckham's Act, Sec. 34-29-131 am'd.
Veterans' Affairs, State Department of, employees, salaries and expenses, payment from State General Fund further provided for, Sec. 31-5-14 am'd.
Funerals, disrupting, crime further provided for, distance of protest from property line of funeral facility further provided for, Sec. 13A-11-17 am'd.
Income tax, qualifying employers and qualifying employees authorized tax deductions for 100 percent of amounts paid for health insurance premiums, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Legislature, compensation, may not be increased during term of office, two-thirds or greater recorded vote by House and Senate on proposed bills increasing compensation, required, Section 68 (Section 68, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Agricultural tourist attractions, to be defined by rule and approved by Agriculture and Industries Department, application and renewal fees, directional signs under certain conditions
Small businesses, expansion or construction of new commercial property, noneducational ad valorem tax exemption authorized for certain time period, reappraisal
Income tax, credit to certain manufacturing or telecommunication facilities for construction, upgrading, or expansion of existing facilities and equipment, and retraining of employees
Schools, exercise and recreation facilities, joint use agreements between schools, local governments, and private entities, immunity from liability, legislative findings
Firefighters Annuity and Benefit Fund, voluntary contribution by state income tax check-off provided for, Act 2010-726, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 36-21-186 am'd.
Private corporations, railroads, canals, constitutional provisions in Article XII, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, amended and repealed, Sections 229, 240 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended), am'd., Sections 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 244, 245, 246 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Poll taxes and segregation of schools by race, constitutional provisions regarding deleted, portions of Section 256 and Section 256 as amended by Amendment 111, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, (Section 256, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., Section 259, (Section 259, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), Amendment 90, and Amendment 109, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed, const. amend.
Abuse of protected persons, felony penalty increased to Class A felony if protected person being abused is an honorably discharged or retired veteran, Sec. 38-9-7 am'd.
Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee, emergency contracts treatment, Secs. 29-2-41.1, 41-16-72 am'd.
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Elections, political campaigns, phone banks, fraudulent misrepresentation regarding candidates or committees prohibited, investigation and enforcement by Attorney General, penalties, Sec. 17-5-16 am'd.
Veterans, educational benefits, proof of eligibility, disabled veterans, spouses, and children, residency, benefits provided where veteran was not a resident of Alabama before entry in service in certain cases, Veterans' Affairs Department to develop criteria for awarding contingent on funding, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Elections, photo identification required to register to vote, Secretary of State required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification at no cost, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.; Act 2010-687, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Alabama Consumer Credit Act (Mini-Code), consumer credit transactions, late charge increased under certain conditions, Sec. 5-19-4 am'd.
Raw forest products, commercial use, equitable economic incentives for all users
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment, const. amend.
Elections, overseas absentee voting, Electronic Overseas Voting Advisory Committee, established to advise whether secure electronic means of voting available, duties of absentee election manager, overseas voter certificate required, Secretary of State to implement rules
Elections, overseas absentee voting, Electronic Overseas Voting Advisory Committee, established to advise whether secure electronic means of voting available, duties of absentee election manager, overseas voter certificate required, Secretary of State to implement rules
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Controlled substances, children, exposure to by mother, to include child in utero, venue established, presumption of exposure in utero created by positive drug test at time of birth, Sec. 26-15-3.2 am'd.
Motor vehicles, speed limits, local law enforcement officers being prohibited from enforcing speed limits on Interstates and in police jurisdiction, provisions deleted, Act 2010-564, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.

Legislators, employment with other branch of state government or other state agencies, etc., including public education, during the time in office, prohibited, exceptions, liability for any violations, Attorney General to enforce, Legislative Double Dipping Prohibition Act (2010-21257)
Elections, public employees, payroll deductions, state and local governmental agencies, including school boards, prohibited from arranging for payments by payroll deduction to political action committees or dues for membership organizations that use funds for political activities, Sec. 17-17-5 am'd. (2010-21197)
Ethics Commission, members, appointment and confirmation, investigation of complaints, subpoena power, post-investigation referral and status reports, penalties, Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-27 am'd. (2010-21255)

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