Mike Ball

Updated: February 27, 2023 at 12:00 PM CST

General Information

Who is Mike Ball?
Mike Ball

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: September 17, 1954 69

Education Information

Known educational history for Mike Ball from Madison, AL.

  • AS, Criminal Justice, Jefferson State Junior College, 1982
  • BS, Political Science, Athens State University

Political Information

Known political history for Mike Ball from Madison, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 10, 2018
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 10, 2002-present

Professions Information

Known professional history for Mike Ball from Madison, AL.

  • Senior Partner, Ball Roofing, 2005-2010
  • Criminal Investigator, Alabama Bureau of Investigation, Major Crimes Unit, 1986-2002
  • State Trooper, Alabama Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol, 1978-1986
  • Sergeant, United States Marine Corps, 1973-1977

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Mike Ball from Madison, AL.

  • Member, The House Band
  • Member, The Madison Mountaintop Band
  • Member, Huntsville Traditional Music Association
  • Member, Asbury United Methodist Church
  • Member, Alabama State Trooper Association
  • Member, American Legion

Election History

Mike Ball from Madison, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Mike Ball has sponsored.

Education, public K-12, microgrants provided to participating students for defraying costs of certain academic and educational enrichment activities and programs
Education, virtual education, to expand option to include grades K-12, to allow a student to attend any Alabama public virtual school operating in the state, Secs. 16-46A-1, 16-46A-2, 16-46A-3 am'd.
Ethics, State Ethics Commission, duties and membership revised, penalties, definitions, gift ban, enforcement procedures revised, Sec. 36-25-5.3 added; Secs. 11-3-5, 36-25-1, 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-4.1, 36-25-4.3, 36-25-5, 36-25-5.1, 36-25-7, 36-25-8, 36-25-9, 36-25-10, 36-25-12, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-17, 36-25-18, 36-25-19, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-27 am'd; Secs. 17-17-4, 36-25-1.1, 36-25-1.3, 36-25-5.2, 36-25-6, 36-25-11, 36-25-22 repealed.
Monuments, Alabama Memorial Preservation Act of 2017, a county or municipality authorize to remove any monument located on public property for less than 50 years, a waiver required from Committee on Alabama Monument Protection before monument can be removed that has been situated for 50 years of more, Sec. 41-9-230 repealed; Secs. 41-9-231 to 41-9-237, inclusive, am'd.
Education, armed forces, parent or guardian authorized to enroll his or her child in a public K-12 school located away from the military installation under certain circumstances
Class 3 municipalities, entertainment districts, further provided, Sec. 28-3A-17.1 am'd.
Child custody, allows judge to consider parental alienation for custody purposes, Secs. 30-3-2, 30-3-152 am'd.
Campaign finance reports, deadline for final pre-election report revised, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.

Pardons and paroles, parole dates for prisoners serving consecutive sentences, certain regulations removed, Sec. 15-22-28 am'd.
Alcoholic beverage manufacturers, beer transferred from brewery under same ownership deemed to be brewed at the manufacturer's premises, Sec. 28-3A-6 am'd.
Disabled veterans, service-connected disabled veteran, one passenger vehicle, exempt 100 percent from ad valorem taxes, Sec. 40-12-244 am'd.
Firearms, prohibition against possession of firearms in certain places, further provided, Sec. 13A-11-61.2 am'd.
Legislature, to call itself into a special session under certain conditions authorized, const. amend.
Ad valorem tax on real property, senior property tax appraisal for persons age 70 or older on principal residence used for 10 years, appraisal value frozen on immediate prior year, exceptions, rules by Revenue Dept.
Funeral Service Board, licensing and regulation of cemetery authorities and cemeteries, Alabama Preneed Funeral and Cemetery Act, established, adding, amending and renumbering numerous sections, Secs. 27-17A-2, 27-17A-17, 27-17A-45, 27-17A-57 repealed; Secs. 34-13-1, 34-13-2, 34-13-4, 34-13-7, 34-13-9, 34-13-11, 34-13-12, 34-13-20, 34-13-22, 34-13-23, 34-13-26, 34-13-27, 34-13-52, 34-13-53, 34-13-54, 34-13-55, 34-13-56, 34-13-56.1, 34-13-111, 34-13-113 am'd.
Education, county and city boards of education, county and city superintendent of schools, closure of schools and establishment of on-line learning in certain circumstances
Wine, authorizing common carriers to make delivery of alcoholic beverages to residents over 21, to create a wine direct shipper permit to allow wine manufacturers to ship their table wine directly to residents, Sec. 28-3A-6.1 added; Sec. 28-1-4 am'd.
Criminal procedure, asset forfeiture for drug offenses provided, Alabama Criminal Forfeiture Process Act, Secs. 20-2-93 repealed
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Obligation Transparency, created, membership, compensation, powers, and duties, provided
Education Dept., state property, Dept. of Edu., has authority to manange the construction and renovation of property that is part of a state educational institution, Sec. 41-4-400 am'd.
Telephone communications, knowing and intentionally misleading use of inaccurate caller identification information, prohibited
Consumer Protection, Alabama Consumer Privacy Act, created, allow consumers to opt in or out to sale of personal information with certain conditions, require business collecting data to make certain disclosures, violation or deletion of, Deceptive Trade Practices Act
Sheriffs, term of office, to commence following election, technical revisions to term of county commissioner, Sec. 36-3-4 am'd.
Workers' compensation, firefighters, law enforcement officers, diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket expenses, co's and municipalities required to maintain certain disability insurance coverage
Grand juries, remove grand jury witnesses from certain provisions limiting disclosure of testimony, court reporter or stenographer required to record grand jury proceedings, Sec. 12-16-213.1 added; Sec. 12-16-219 repealed; Secs. 12-16-214, 12-16-215, 12-16-216 am'd.
Municipalities, certain designated muns., levy of ad valorem tax for bonds to finance projects, use of proceeds for direct payments to finance capital improvements, const. amend.
Bail, criminal cases, creates Aniah's law, const. amend
Bail, to provide for an additional offense under which an individual can be denied bail, pretrial detention hearing under certain circumstances provided, Secs. 15-13-2, 15-13-3, 15-13-7, 15-13-104, 15-13-105, 15-13-106 am'd.
Campaign finance reports, deadline for final pre-election report revised, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.
Ethics, State Ethics Commission, duties and membership revised, penalties, definitions, gift ban, enforcement procedures revised, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-4.1, 36-25-4.3, 36-25-5, 36-25-5.1, 36-25-7, 36-25-8, 36-25-9, 36-25-10, 36-25-12, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-17, 36-25-18, 36-25-19, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-27 am'd; Secs. 17-17-4, 36-25-1.1, 36-25-1.3, 36-25-5.2, 36-25-6, 36-25-11, 36-25-22 repealed.

Municipalities, certain designated muns., levy of ad valorem tax for bonds to finance projects, use of proceeds for direct payments to finance capital improvements, const. amend.
HB 179
Ethics, State Ethics Commission, duties and membership revised, penalties, definitions, gift ban, enforcement procedures revised, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-4.1, 36-25-4.3, 36-25-5, 36-25-5.1, 36-25-7, 36-25-8, 36-25-9, 36-25-10, 36-25-12, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-17, 36-25-18, 36-25-19, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-27 am'd; Secs. 17-17-4, 36-25-1.1, 36-25-1.3, 36-25-5.2, 36-25-6, 36-25-11, 36-25-22 repealed.
HB 165
Elections, absentee ballots, local board of registrars required to notify absentee voters by mail why his or her absentee ballot was not counted, Sec. 17-11-10 am'd.

HB 527
Owens Cross Roads, corp. limits alt., deannexing property
HB 333
Private dialysis centers, nurse-patient ratio established, Dept. of Public Health to adopt rule
HB 332
Redstone Thrift Shop, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
HB 244
Animals, required rabies vaccines for certain canidae and felidae, further provided for, possession of certain large felidae, wolves, or bears, prohibited under certain conditions, minimum caging requirements, penalties, Secs. 3-8-1 am'd; Sec. 3-8-2 added.
HB 243
Medical Marijuana, program established to allow use of for certain conditions, defense against prosecution for marijuana possession established, Secs. 2-33-1 to 2-33-8, incl., 2-33-20 to 2-33-23, incl., 2-33-40 to 2-33-49, incl., added; Secs. 13A-12-213, 13A-12-214, 3A-12-214.2, 13A-12-214.3 am'd.
HB 171
Legislature, committees, chair of committee authorized to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers
HB 170
Public officials, criminal provision moved to Ethics code, using official authority to influence vote or political action a Class C felony, Sec. 17-17-4 am'd, renumbered as Sec. 36-25-27.1
HB 130
Triana, ad valorem tax, distrib. for public education, referendum, contingent on ad valorem tax increase in Madison
HB 129
Madison, ad valorem tax, additional levy authorized for education, referendum
HB 128
Veterans, distinctive license plates, Air Medal added to military awards eligible to be commemorated, Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.

HB 357
Developmental disability care providers, employees entitled to pay when office closed due to state of emergency declaration
HB 352
Thrift Shops located on military installation in Alabama, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
HB 214
Open primary elections, system created, qualifications to participate in general elections revised, Sec. 17-13-8.2 added; Secs. 17-13-7.1, 17-13-19, 17-13-20, 17-13-21, 17-13-23, 17-13-41, 17-13-101 repealed; Secs. 17-5-2, 17-5-7, 17-5-8, 17-6-21, 17-6-22, 17-9-3, 17-11-12, 17-13-1, 17-13-2, 17-13-3, 17-13-5, 17-13-6, 17-13-7, 17-13-8, 17-13-16, 17-13-18, 17-13-22, 17-13-50, 17-16-45, 17-16-46, 21-4-21am'd.
HB 213
Elections, notification of absentee voter of defective and uncounted ballot, Sec. 17-11-10 am'd.
HB 103
Consumer and Consumer Protection, telephone solicitation, maximum civil penalty and damage awards increased for certain violations, Secs. 8-19C-6, 8-19C-7 am'd.
HJR 16
Veterans day, state public universities encouraged to officially observe

Education, local superintendent of education and principals, qualifications of provided further, required to teach while serving in positions, additional certification required, Secs. 16-9-2, 16-12-2, 16-23-1, 16-24B-3 am'd.
Elections, notification of absentee voter of defective and uncounted ballot, Sec. 17-11-10 am'd.
Madison Co., dissolve the Huntsville and Madison County railroad authority, const. amend.
Law enforcement officers, required to undergo 40 hours of Crisis Intervention Training, refresher course required every 5 years, administered by Alabama Peace Officers' Training Commission

Motor vehicles, operation of personal motor vehicle with two motor vehicles attached prohibited, penalties, Sec. 35-5-211.1 added
Education, Student and Taxpayer Fairness Act, if local boards of education within a county do not agree on distribution of educational taxes, State Superintendent of Education to provide for equitable distribution, Sec. 16-13-31 am'd.
Nondriver ID cards, parolees, Commissioner of Dept. of Corrections and Secretary of the ALEA, authority to establish program to issue nondriver ID to resident parolees upon release
Cannabidiol, possession and use of for certain debilitating conditions allowed, Leni's Law
Elections, notification of absentee voter of defective and uncounted ballot, Sec. 17-11-10 am'd.

Motor vehicles, operation of personal motor vehicle with two motor vehicles attached prohibited, penalties, Sec. 35-5-211.1 added
Education, Student and Taxpayer Fairness Act, if local boards of education within a county do not agree on distribution of educational taxes, State Superintendent of Education to provide for equitable distribution, Sec. 16-13-31 am'd.
Nondriver ID cards, parolees, Commissioner of Dept. of Corrections and Secretary of the ALEA, authority to establish program to issue nondriver ID to resident parolees upon release
Cannabidiol, possession and use of for certain debilitating conditions allowed, Leni's Law
Elections, notification of absentee voter of defective and uncounted ballot, Sec. 17-11-10 am'd.

Employment discrimination, prohibited based on race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or age
Corrections Department, Investigation and Intelligence Division, search warrants, execution, investigations further provided for, Sec. 14-3-9 am'd.
Schools, students taught at home by either private tutor or under church school law may participate in public K-12 extracurricular activities, Tim Tebow Act
Legislative Council, reconstituted, Senate Legislative Council, House Legislative Council estab. and duties assigned, Joint Fiscal Committee and Legislative Building Authority abolished, Law Institute made part of Legislative Department, Secs. 29-1-10, 29-2-52, 29-2-200, 29-2-201, 29-4-20, 29-4-22, 29-4-25, 29-4-30, 29-4-32, 29-4-35, 29-4-40, 29-4-42, 29-5-2, 29-5-3, 29-5-4, 29-5-13, 29-6-1, 29-6-2, 29-6-3, 29-6-4, 29-6-7, 29-7-4, 29-8-1, 29-8-2, 29-8-3, 29-8-4, 29-8-5, 41-9-370, 41-9-374, 41-19-3, 41-19-3.1 am;d, Secs. 29-122, 29-4-41, 29-7-5 repealed
Administrative Procedure Act, rules, approval and disapproval by Joint Legislative Committee, procedures, appeal of disapproval to Lt. Gov., Act 2014-457, 2014 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 41-22-24 repealed; Secs. 41-22-5, 41-22-5.1, 41-22-6, 41-22-22, 41-22-23 am'd.
Elections, notification of absentee voter of defective and uncounted ballot, Sec. 17-11-10 am'd.
Primary runoff elections, abolished, Secs. 17-13-19, 17-13-20, 17-13-21 repealed; Secs. 17-5-2, 17-5-7, 17-5-8, 17-6-21, 17-6-22, 17-9-3, 17-11-12, 17-13-3, 17-13-18, 17-13-50, 17-16-45, 17-16-46, 21-4-21 am'd.
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Parents or legal guardian, authorize treatment for medical, dental, health, or mental health service, including commitment to mental health facility, where minor refused
Public education, definitions, arrest warrants, public school employees, issuance of arrest warrant for actions occurring while performing official duties, procedures

Madison Co., county commission, expenditure of public funds for Trojan Park in Hazel Green, for public purpose, authorized
Madison Co., alcoholic beverages, sale of wine, business relations between suppliers and wholesalers of wine, Madison County Wine Franchise Jobs Protection Act, established
Judges, recusals, appearance of impartiality based on campaign contribution, rebuttable presumption if contribution represents 25 percent of total contribution for election cycle, Secs. 12-24-1, 12-24-2 repealed
Schools, students taught at home by either private tutor or under church school law may participate in public K-12 extracurricular activities, Equal Access to Athletics Act
Campaigns, Fair Campaign Practice Act, cross references and terms updated, Secs. 27-2-2, 36-25-1, 36-25-5, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-19, 40-14A-43 am'd.
Candidates for public office, required to file statement of economic interests with the Ethics Commission, Sec. 36-25-15 am'd.
Controlled substances, Schedule I, additional synthetic controlled substances and analogue substances included in, trafficking in controlled substance analogues, requisite weight increased, Secs. 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Public education, reduction-in-force policies, contents further provided for, significant factors specified, compliance with antidiscrimination laws required, Sec. 16-1-33 am'd.
Athletic scholarships, limit of 4 awarded to out-of-state students at junior colleges
Oil and Gas Board, oil and gas wells, drainage or production units, regulation of horizontal wells in oil reservoirs and offshore wells in gas reservoirs, Secs. 9-17-1, 9-17-12 am'd.
Criminally negligent homicide, victim under six years of age, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-4 am'd.
Taxation, exempt certain advertisers from use tax, Sec. 40-23-62.1 added
Taxation, exempt certain advertisers from use tax, Sec. 40-23-62.1 added
Sex Offenders, registration and community notification, technical revisions and citations update various sections, petition for relief from employment, residency living restriction, civil division of circuit courts, absconding without registering, penalty, Secs. 12-15-107, 12-15-116, 13A-5-2, 13A-5-6, 14-9-41, 15-18-8, 15-19-7, 15-20A-4 to 15-20A-7, incl., 15-20A-9, 15-20A-11, 15-20A-14, 15-20A-16, 15-20A-18, 15-20A-21 to 15-20A-26, incl., 15-20A-28, 15-20A-29, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-35, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-39, 15-20A-40, 15-20A-43, 15-20A-45, 15-20A-46, 15-22-27.3, 32-6-49.24, 36-18-24, 36-18-25, 38-13-2, 38-13-4
Emergencies, broadcasters, radio, t.v., and cable, emergency response broadcasters, training and certification by Homeland Security Department, access to facilities to repair and restart broadcasting during emergencies
Title loan business, licensure and regulation of, charges concerning title loans, definitions, penalties, Alabama Title Loan Act
Capital punishment, person or entity who participates in an execution or performs any ancillary function shall be confidential, Sec. 15-18-82.1 am'd.
Ethics, Alabama law, definition of "confidential information" amended, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd.
Law enforcement officers, authorized to issue traffic citations at the scene of the crash for traffic offenses, under certain conditions, additional fines, Sec. 32-5-171 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, brewpubs selling beer for off-premises consumption, additional license, terms and conditions, Secs. 28-3A-6, 28-4A-3 am'd.
State employee benefits, employee to receive summary of annually
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Public education, definitions, arrest warrants, public school employees, issuance of arrest warrant for actions occurring while performing official duties, procedures
Hunting and fishing, right to clarified, subject to reasonable rules that promote conservation and management, const. amend.
Driver's Licenses, Stage II, 16 year olds, minimum of behind-the-wheel driving practice hours increased from 30 to 50, Sec. 32-6-7.2 am'd.
Public Safety Department and State Personnel Department, establish a new classification, Trooper First Class, recover cost of training
Polygraph Examiners, applicants required to provide results of state and national criminal history background checks and two sets of fingerprints, Sec. 34-25-22 am'd
Emergencies, broadcasters, radio, t.v., and cable, emergency response broadcasters, training and certification by Homeland Security Department, access to facilities to repair and restart broadcasting during emergencies
Alarm systems, alarm monitoring companies, certain verification of alarm signal required, Electronic Security Board of Licensure to enforce, Sec. 34-1A-1 am'd; Sec. 34-1A-11 added
Thrift Shop, Red Stone Arsenal, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Unemployment compensation, simplify reporting process by certain employers
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Thrift Shops located on military installation in Alabama, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Marijuana, medical necessity, defense against prosecution
Criminal witness immunity, conferral of if a person refuses to testify under privilege of self-incrimination, penalties for failure to testify, immunity conferred for certain testimony in grand jury proceedings, Secs. 12-21-228, 12-21-229 added
Parents or legal guardian, authorize treatment for medical, dental, health, or mental health service, including commitment to mental health facility, where minor refused
Homeowners' Associations, disclosure of certain financial information to association board by declarant required, maintenance of association records, inspection by members, meeting requirements, enforcement of rules, assessment of charges for violations, liens, Alabama Homeowners' Association Act
Marijuana, medical necessity, defense against prosecution
Midwives, physiologic childbirth, providing women the right to choose physiologic childbirth, providing immunity to midwives and certain healthcare providers who assist in physiologic childbirths, Sec. 34-19-11 added
Sovereign immunity, immunity for officers, employees, agents of the state, including certain employees of local school boards and State Board of Education, specified in official and personal capacity under certain conditions

Public employees, to receive annual summary of benefits received from employer
Motor Vehicles, dump trucks, operation with bed raised prohibited, penalties
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Distinctive License tags, law enforcement memorial honor officers killed in line of duty, fees, distrib. to State Law Enforcement Memorial and National Police Memorial
Madison Co., revenue commissioner, office estab., tax assessor and tax collector abolished, referendum
Taxation, carried forward period of five years for certain projects, Sec. 40-18-194 am'd.
Religious expression in schools, authorized, Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act
Civil actions, attorney fees and costs awarded to prevailing party
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Alcoholic beverages, brewpubs selling beer for off-premises consumption, additional license, terms and conditions, Secs. 28-3A-6, 28-4A-3 am'd.
Driving under the influence, additional penalties for violations of by persons with at least 0.15 percent blood alcohol level, to include abstention from consuming alcoholic beverages and a requirement to wear a continuing alcohol monitoring device, Sec. 32-5A-191 am'd.
Unemployment compensation, substitute employees of schools, exempt from collecting, Sec. 25-4-10 am'd.
Educators' associations, equal access to public school districts and their employees required, equal access to public institutions of higher learning and their employees, required
Public education employees, salary increase, including K-12 and certain other designated education institutions, liability insurance program to be established by Finance Department in consultation with Education Department
Mortgage, lender may not seek to recover any differences from sale of foreclosed mortgage
Primary elections, runoff election held if no candidate receives at least 35 percent of votes, Sec. 17-13-18 am'd.
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Alabama Title Loan Act, licensure by Banking Dept., bonds, fees, penalties
Economic development, tax increment district, 21st Century Manufacturing Zone, authority to form extended to counties, Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2 am'd.; Act 2013-51, 2013 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Huntsville, pretrial diversion program, city authorized to establish
Madison Co., law enforcement, delivery of currency seized as evidence to circuit clerk, deposit, forfeiture proceedings
Emergencies, broadcasters, radio, t.v., and cable, emergency response broadcasters, training and certification by Homeland Security Department, access to facilities to repair and restart broadcasting during emergencies
Weights and measures, registered service agent to conduct testing and inspection of devices, Agriculture and Industries Department to provide registration and regulation of agents, Board of Agriculture and Industries authorized to adopt a schedule of civil fines for violations, Secs. 8-16-1, 8-16-6, 8-16-7, 8-16-18 am'd.
Hunting licenses, disabled veterans, military appreciation hunting license, three day trip event hunting license authorized, Secs. 9-11-44, 9-11-49 am'd.
Madison Co., lodging tax, termination date deleted, Act 2004-418, 2004 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Criminal justice employees, including judges, district attorneys, law enforcement officers, etc., protection against disclosure of personal information, disclosure of by State Ethics Commission prohibited, Secs. 36-25-4.3, 41-13-7 am'd.
J.F. Drake State Technical College, name changed to J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College
County or municipality, authorities, lease of property to United States, powers of authority expanded, expenditure of funds to promote federal facilities authorized, Sec.11-101A-8 am'd.
Youthful Offender Act, persons charged with a Class A felony excluded, Sec. 15-19-1 am'd.
Gulf State Park, Legislature to approve sale or long-term lease of any state park property, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, proposal exempt from certain statutes, Chapter 14D of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14D-1 to 9-14D-5, inclusive, repealed
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Flexible School Calendar Act, local board of education may opt out of calendar parameters by written notices to State Superintendent of Education, Sec. 16-13-231, as amended by Act 2012-482, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Schools, students taught at home by either private tutor or under church school law may participate in public K-12 extracurricular activities, Tim Tebow Act
Taxation, aviation jet fuel purchased by international cargo air carriers, refund for excise tax paid on purchases of aviation jet fuel by exemption from sales and use tax, Secs. 40-17-329, 40-23-4, 40-23-62 am'd.
Class 1, 3, 4, and 5 municipalities, establishment of entertainment districts authorized, Act 2012-438, 2012 Reg Sess., am'd; Sec. 28-3A-17.1 am'd.
Infants, age of majority designated as 18 years for participation in college or university research, Sec. 26-1-1 am'd.
Domestic violence, shelters, domestic violence defined, operation and funding of domestic violence shelters, fee for divorce petition distributed to district attorneys for funding of domestic violence shelters, Secs. 30-6-1, 30-6-6, 30-6-7, 30-6-11 am'd.
Water, sewer, and fire protection authorities, fire protection service, definition to include additional activities such as testing or drilling for water, Sec. 11-88-1 am'd.
Local governmental entities, tort liability limitation, includes water, sewer and fire protection authorities organized under Chapter 88, Title 11, Code of Alabama 1975, Sec. 11-93-1 am'd.
Madison Co., rock quarries, location near schools regulated outside corporate limits of municipality
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Taxation, tax exemption for Class 1-5 municipalities cultural districts
Highway Finance Corporation, borrowing power clarified, Governor added as member of authority, proceeds of bonds, use by counties and municipalities to match federal funds, Secs. 23-1-174, 23-1-177, 23-1-178, 23-1-181 am'd.
Private Investigation Board, established, licensing and regulation of private investigators, members, terms, powers, vacancies, subject to Administrative Procedure Act, civil and criminal penalties, Private Investigators Licensing and Regulatory Act
Taxes, exemptions for Still Serving Veterans, Inc.
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, Class M motorcycle license including restricted license to operate a motor-driven cycle, issuance by Public Safety Department, knowledge test required under certain conditions, Secs. 32-5A-240, 32-12-22 am'd.
Midwives, State Board of Midwifery, established, licensure and regulation, penalties, Secs. 34-19-11 to 34-19-19, inclusive, added; Secs. 22-9A-7, 34-43-3 am'd; Secs. 34-19-2 to 34-19-10, inclusive, repealed
Economic Development, tax increment districts, municipalities authorized to form, Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone Act for certain manufacturing purposes, improvements funded through tax increment financing, Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-8 am'd.
Income tax, tax credit for rehabilitation, preservation, and development of certain historic structures
Health Care Compact established, consent of U. S. Congress secured for return of authority to member states to regulate health care, Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission established, membership, duties, terms, funding
Thrift Shops located on military installation in Alabama, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Pistols, transportation to and from a shooting range without a pistol permit, authorized. Sec. 13A-11-74 am'd

Law enforcemenet officers, recertification relating to the use of deadly force required, penalties, hearing
Methamphetamine laboratories (meth labs), decontamination and certificate of inspection by Health Department, public disclosure of location required to be recorded on website
Caller ID fraud, criminal penalties for entering false information into a caller identification system in order to defraud or deceive a recipient, provided
University of Alabama at Birmingham, separate board of trustees estab. for the University of Alabama at Birmingham and University of Alabama at Huntsville, const. amend.
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd
Madison Co., circuit and district court, court administrator, appointment by presiding circuit judge, confidential employee under Unified Judicial System, Act 1040, 1973 Reg. Sess. am'd
Lifespan Respite Resource Network, established, Alabama Respite Coalition, established
Paternity, presumption regarding father of child when mother married, alleged father not married to mother may rebut with genetic testing, costs, Sec. 26-17-607 am'd.
Alabama Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program (ASSDP), established, disabled students provided with option of attending different public school or receiving scholarship to attend private school
Home Builders License Board, minimum construction or repair cost required for defining a person as a residential home builder increased, Sec. 34-14A-2 am'd
Economic Development, tax increment district, Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone authorized in Class 3 municipalities, development of distressed areas, tax credit required, Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-8, 11-99-10 am'd
Alcoholic Beverages, allowing sale of alcoholic beverages at state parks and certain municipalities
Child abuse, law enforcement agencies, individuals mandated to report child abuse to report directly to a duly constituted authority, Sec. 26-14-3 am'd
Education, school grading system to be developed by State Superintendent of Education for K-12 schools
Madison County, lodging tax, distrib. to U.S. Space and Rocket Center Foundation, termination date, Act 2004-418, 2004 Reg. Sess., am'd
Crimes and offenses, motor vehicles, driver who fails to report, give information, and render reasonable assistance at the scene of an accident resulting in serious injury or death guilty of Class B felony, Sec. 32-10-6 am'd
Animals, abuse, torture and cruelty defined, reporting requirements, penalties
Motor vehicles, speed limits, local law enforcement officers being prohibited from enforcing speed limits on Interstates and in police jurisdiction, provisions deleted, Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, State Policeman, definition to include capitol police officers, Sec. 36-27-1 am'd.
Crimes and offenses, gambling, person defined, penalties, Secs. 13A-12-20, 13A-12-22, 13A-12-23, 13A-12-24, 13A-12-27 am'd
Public School and College Authorities, change baseline date, increase average salary, allow schools affected by closure of bases to receive proceeds from the authority, Secs. 16-16A-2, 16-16A-7, 16-16A-8 am'd
Crime of promoting prison contraband in the first, second, and third degrees, attempt included, increased penalties, Secs. 13A-10-36, 13A-10-37, 13A-10-38 am'd.
Insurance, residential roofing contract cancellation prior to midnight of 5th business day, exceptions
Transportation Dept, chief engineer, appointment by Director of Transportation as an exempt position under the state Merit System, Sec. 23-1-22, 23-1-23, 23-1-24 am'd
Mortgages, Alabama Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act, provides for timely payoff statements and timely recording of mortgage satisfaction, Secs. 35-10-26, 35-10-30 am'd
Insurance, State Employees' Insurance Board to include one year of hazardous duty time for every five years as a correctional officer awarded to correctional officers under Employees' Retirement System and Teachers' Retirement System, Sec. 36-29-19.7 am'd; Act 2011-698, 2011 Regular Sesssion am'd (2012-20347)
Controlled substances, crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, created, penalties, Sec. 13A-12-211 am'd (2012-20422)
Transportation Department, deputy directors, appointment by director of department with approval of Governor
Beer, cider, and wine, homebrewing in limited amounts by person 21 years of age or older for personal use authorized without taxation or licensure, penalties, convicted felon prohibited from homebrewing (2012-20414)
Taxes, exemptions for Still Serving Veterans, Inc.
Health benefit plans, group insurance, coverage of autism spectrum disorder to age 18 under certain conditions, Secs. 10A-20-6.16, 27-21A-23 am'd
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Public Works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, establish, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, certain persons prohibited from placing certain terms in certain documents, exemptions
Contracts, state or any political subdivision, use of Davis-Bacon wage provision, prohibited
Architects, registered, engineers and land surveyors, licensed professional, civil action alleging negligence requires third-party certificate of merit affidavit
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, civil immunity to water suppliers who are in compliance or receive an exemption from ADEM, Sec. 22-23-35.1 added
Security for Alabama Funds Enhancement (SAFE) Act, qualified public depository, definition to include a National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, Sec. 41-14A-2 am'd.
Alocohic beverages, certain alcohlic beverages, brewpubs selling sample beer on-site to consumers and to consumers for off-site consumption, Sec. 28-3A-6, 28-4A-3, 28-7-18 am'd; Act 2011-630, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Unemployment compensation, compensable week further defined, Sec. 25-4-73 am'd
Secondary metals recycler, additional records to be maintained, purchases of specified metal property limited, registration with ACJIC, required, database of metal property sales created, criminal penalties, purchase of specified metal property prohibited, Secs. 13A-8-30 to 13A-8-37, inclusive, 13A-8-39 am'd; Secs. 13A-8-31.1, 13A-8-31.2, 13A-8-35.1, 13A-8-37.1, 13A-8-37.2 added
Legislature, basic compensation for members, median annual household income in Alabama, legislators submit signed vouchers for reimbursement, proposed const. amend.
Government, local, prohibited from competing with private sector in waste management
Taxation, state income tax credit relating to Class 1, 2, 3 municipalities for rehabilitation of historic structures
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Elections, campaign finance reports include occupation and name of the employer of the contributor, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd
Crimes and Offenses, prisoners, prohibition against use of social networks
Alabama Marine Corps League exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Madison County, (Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit) of Alabama, Pretrial Diversion Program, fees further provided for, Act 94-392, 1994 Reg. Sess., am'd
Judge of probate may publish a list of qualified electors in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, Sec. 17-4-1 am'd.
Motor vehicles, Insurance, discount for seniors (55 and over) who complete motor vehicle accident prevention course, Sec 27-13-121 am'd
Motor vehicles, driver's licenses, law enforcement authorized to issue citation if reasonable suspicion that driver was driving a motor vehicle without license even without personal observation of the person driving, request to see driver's license authorized under certain conditions, Sec. 32-6-9.1 added (2012-20486)
Thrift Shops located on military installation in Alabama, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Municipal public housing authorities in certain Class 3 municipalities, purchase of real property authorized only for public housing purposes after notice to certain surrounding property owners, power of eminent domain removed, Secs. 24-1-28 am'd.
Veterans, additional tax credits for previously unemployed veterans who became employed or began a business, "Heroes for Hire " Act
Administrative Procedure Act, rules affecting small business, small business economic impact and regulatory flexibility analysis required under certain conditions, agencies to review rules every five years for effect on small businesses, Secs. 41-22-5.1, 41-22-5.2 added
Income tax credit for qualifying projects or new or expanding businesses creating new jobs, tax credits claimed authorized to be carried over up to four tax years, Sec. 40-18-194 am'd.
Health Care Compact established, consent of U. S. Congress secured for return of authority to member states to regulate health care, Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission established, membership, duties, terms, funding
Immigration, legal status and/or proof of citizenship, verification of eligibility to enter into business transactions with state or political subdivision, Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification card authorized, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 31-13-29 am'd.

Economic Development, tax increment district, Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone authorized in Class 3 municipalities, development of distressed areas, tax credit required, Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-8, 11-99-10 am'd

Madison Co., district attorney, fee assessed in municipal court, distrib. to circuit and municipal clerks and district attorney, Act 2007-471, 2007 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Law enforcement officers, firefighters, first responders, corrections officers, exposure to contagious, infectious, or communicable disease in the line of duty, blood and saliva testing of offender authorized, testing procedures, use of test results specified, notification of offender of positive results and availability of counseling and health care
Public assistance, fraudulent means to establish eligibility, prohibited, penalties
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, Class M motorcycle license including restricted license to operate a motor-driven cycle, issuance by Public Safety Department, knowledge test required under certain conditions, skills test required for persons 17 and under after a certain date, Secs. 32-5A-240, 32-12-22 am'd.
Madison Co., sheriff, pistol permits, fee increased, Act 489, 1975 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, retail licensees, servers required to register with Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, fees, fines, penalties, Secs. 28-1-8 to 28-1-15, inclusive, added;
Alabama Marine Corps League exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Industrial Relations Department, transfer of certain employees from Bishop State Community College, Southern Union State Community College, Bevill State Community College, and the Postsecondary Education Department, who are part of the Alabama Career Center System to Industrial Relations Department
Certificate of need for new institutional health services, requirement repealed, Secs. 22-21-260, 22-21-261, 22-21-263, 22-21-264, 22-21-265, 22-21-265.1, 22-21-265.2, 22-21-265.3, 22-21-266, 22-21-267, 22-21-268, 22-21-270, 22-21-271, 22-21-271.1, 22-21-274, 22-21-275, 22-21-276, 22-21-277, 22-21-278 repealed
Veterans, education benefits, qualifications altered, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Motorcycles and bicycles, red lights, authorized to proceed while red under certain conditions if light controlled by traffic-control device, Sec. 32-5A-32 am'd.
Good Samaritan Law, civil immunity granted to certain persons, in good faith, without compensation, for participation in emergency response activities, Sec. 6-5-332 am'd.
Underground storage tanks and aboveground storage tanks storing motor fuels currently subject to the Alabama Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, exempt from requirements of, Sec. 35-19-2 am'd.
Infants, sudden unexplained infant death, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Team, established, duties, coordination of county officials, law enforcement, medical or emergency personnel, immunity, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Act
Economic development, tax incentives authorized to certain companies and educational institutions for locating new or expanding business in state, or a retention project, capital investment and job requirements, Alabama Development Office and Revenue Department to recommend to Governor, Industrial Development Authority to approve project for incentive (2011-20902)
Industrial Development Authority, members, composition altered to include President Pro Tempore of Senate or designee and Speaker of the House or designee, Sec. 41-10-25 am'd.
Elections, board of registrars, prohibited time of registering any person as a qualified elector extended from 10 to 14 days prior to election, Sec. 17-3-50 am'd.
Education employees, procedures regarding employment actions of revised, Teacher Tenure Law and Fair Dismissal Act repealed, Students First Act, Sec. 16-24B-7, 16-24-1 to 16-24-22, inclusive, 36-26-100 to 36-26-116, inclusive, repealed
Attorney General, makes permissive issuance of opinions, expenses, attorneys licensed outside Alabama authorized to be appointed deputy attorneys general, certain private law offices prohibited, nonmerit employee appointments increased, issuance of subpoenas, criminal prosecutions, official opinions, false statement by Attorney General in investigations, prohibited, penalties, Sec. 36-15-62.1 added; Secs. 36-15-1, 36-15-4.2, 36-15-5.1, 36-15-6, 36-15-9, 36-15-10, 36-15-11.1, 36-15-13, 36-15-14, 36-15-16, 36-15-17, 36-15-21.1, 36-15-60, 36-15-62 am'd.
Firearms, seized by law enforcement agency, disposal at auction to certain persons, proceeds for law enforcement purposes (2011-20970)
Motor vehicles and commercial motor vehicles, traffic violations, notification by court to Public Safety Department of convictions of state or local traffic offenses, time period decreased, notification by Public Safety Department to other jurisdictions of convictions of drivers, time period decreased, Secs. 32-5A-195, 32-6-49.14 am'd.; Act 2010-599, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Environmental Management Department, issuance of permits to certain solid waste landfills, 24-month moratorium on issuance, duties to Environmental Management Department and Health Department (2011-20385)
Motor fuel tax, point of taxation moved from wholesaler to withdrawal from terminal, licensing and fees, distrib. of proceeds, penalties, Terminal Excise Tax Act, Secs. 40-17-171, 40-17-220, 40-17-221, 40-17-223 am'd.; Secs. 40-12-190 to 40-12-202, incl., 40-12-204 to 40-12-206, incl., 40-17-1, 40-17-2, 40-17-5 to 40-17-9, incl., 40-17-13, 40-17-14, 40-17-18 to 40-17-20, incl., 40-17-22, 40-17-30 to 40-17-40, incl., 40-17-43, 40-17-45, 40-17-49 to 40-17-52, incl., 40-17-70 to 40-17-74, incl., 40-17-74.1, 40-17-75 to 40-17-82, incl., 40-17-100 to 40-17-108, incl., 40-17-120 to 40-17-122, incl., 40-17-124, 40-17-125, 40-17-174, 40-17-200, 40-17-201, 40-17-203, 40-17-222, 40-17-240, 40-17-250, 40-17-290, 40-17-291 repealed (2011-20461)
Homestead exemptions, income qualification amount increased, Secs. 40-9-19, 40-9-21 am'd.
Nursing scholarships, qualifications altered, funding increased, appropriation, Secs. 34-21-60, 34-21-61, 34-21-62, 34-21-63 am'd.
Gun shows, business license tax levied on organizer not participants under certain conditions, Sec. 40-12-143 am'd.
Individual Development Account Program, established in Human Resources Department, created for individuals with low income
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Child custody, parenting plan required, requirements, shared parenting unless parent found not fit by court, appellate review, Children's Family Act, Sec. 30-3-158 added; Secs. 30-3-150 to 30-3-155, inclusive, 30-3-157 am'd.; Secs. 30-3-1, 30-3-2, repealed
Alabama Development Office and Director of Development changed to Commerce Department and Secretary of Commerce, assistant secretaries of commerce, employment of certain persons outside of Merit System, authorized, Secs. 41-9-201, 41-9-202, 41-9-202.1, 41-9-203, 41-9-204 am'd. (2011-20679)
Beer, cider, and wine, homebrewing by adult persons for personal use authorized without taxation or licensure
Court-ordered restitution, victim compensation assessments, fines, collection fee paid first out of funds collected, Sec. 12-17-225.4 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Assault in the third degree, if assault is committed by a person 21 years of age or older against a person who is less than 18 years of age on school property, school bus, or at a school-sponsored function, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-22 am'd.
Stalking in the first and second degree, aggravated stalking in the first and second degree, crimes further provided for, Tracy's Law, Secs. 13A-6-90.1, 13A-6-91.1 added; Secs. 13A-6-90, 13A-6-91 am'd.
Boats, including outboard motors and parts, vessel trailer, identification numbers and registration, altering prohibited, penalties including illegal possession, forfeiture
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Law enforcement officers, assaults of while performing lawful duty, classified as assault in the second degree, to include off-duty officers employed by a private entity, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2010-565, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Contracts, state or any political subdivision, use of Davis-Bacon wage provision, prohibited
Economic development, financial commitments to build or expand in Alabama, written contracts required within certain time period, existing commitments without written contract void after certain period of time
Teachers, educational support personnel, and other certified educational employees and student teachers, professional liability insurance, Education Department and Finance Department to purchase or provide by July 1, 2012, rules authorized, Teacher and Education Employee Protection Act
Motor vehicles, low speed vehicles and mini trucks, licensure, restrictions, safety equipment title not required, Sec. 32-6-59 added; Secs. 32-8-31, 40-12-240 am'd.
Schools, special school tax elections, procedures, certain elections to be held in conjunction with general or primary elections, payment of costs, Secs. 16-13-160 to 16-13-162, inclusive, 16-13-164, 16-13-180, 16-13-183 to 16-13-185, inclusive, am'd.; Secs. 16-13-181, 16-13-186 repealed
Continuous sexual abuse of a child, crime of established, penalties
Food nutrition labeling, restaurants and vending machines, regulation reserved to the Legislature, not to affect federal regulations
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Counties, optional home rule powers regarding public safety and health, and land regulation and use, const. amend.
Pardons and Paroles Board, notification of victims, procedures changed, supplying contact information for notification, victims authorized to opt out of notification, Implementation Task Force established for statewide automated victim notification system, Sec. 15-22-36.2 added; Secs. 15-22-23, 15-22-36 am'd.
Fair Campaign Practices Act, campaign finance disclosure reports, monthly reports of contributions and expenditures, Secretary of State to maintain searchable electronic database of election documents, political action committees to include Section 527 organization, disqualification of candidate for noncompliance, Secs. 17-5-2, 17-5-8, 17-5-18 am'd.
State parks and certain retail businesses, alcoholic beverages, sale of authorized, referendum, State Park Environmental Protection and Promotion (STEPP) Act
Motor vehicles, licensing and registration of trucks and truck tractors, motor vehicle wreckers (tow trucks), licensing and registration based on gross vehicle weight not to include vehicle towed, Sec. 40-12-248 am'd.
Underwater Cultural Resources Act, definition of cultural resources amended to specify articles associated with shipwrecks, artifacts defined, recovery of abandoned artifacts not cultural resources in certain locations authorized, Secs. 41-9-291, 41-9-292 am'd. (2011-20030)
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld wireless telecommunication device while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties, law enforcement agencies to report statistical information to Public Safety Department and Attorney General
Municipal public housing authorities, exercise of power of eminent domain with approval of municipal council, Sec. 24-1-28 am'd. (2011-20195)
Municipal public housing authorities in certain Class 3 municipalities, purchase of real property authorized only for public housing purposes after notice to certain surrounding property owners, Secs. 24-1-28 am'd.
Public officials or spouses of public officials, names and compensation of those who are employed by or have contracts with a municipality, a county, or the state, public disclosure required, filing with Ethics Commission, Sec. 36-25-5.1 added

Campaign contributions, reports required to include occupation and name of employer of contributor, public officials or spouses of public officials, names and compensation of those who are employed by or have contracts with a municipality, a county, or the state, public disclosure required, filing with Ethics Commission, state agencies, Internet database of state expenditures, Comptroller to include subcontracts and purchase orders, competitive bids, exemption granted to Legislature, certain colleges and universities, and Postsecondary Education Department for professional services, removed, Alabama Full Disclosure Act, Sec. 36-25-5.1 added, Secs. 17-5-8, 41-4-65, 41-16-72 am'd.; Act 2009-750, 2009 Reg. Sess.; Act 2009-751, 2009 Reg. Sess.
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Criminal records, employers prohibited from accessing certain records of employees or potential employees
Gangs, criminal street gang defined, membership prohibited, graffiti prohibited, murder as part of street gang activity made a capital offense, Street Gang Act, Sec. 13A-5-49 am'd.; Sec. 13A-6-26 repealed
Individual Development Account Program, established in Human Resources Department, created for individuals with low income
Infants, sudden unexplained infant death, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Team, established, duties, coordination of county officials, law enforcement, medical or emergency personnel, immunity, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Act
Corrections Department, certain employees who work inside a security fence under certain conditions, compensation increased
Alabama Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program (ATRIP), Commission on Higher Education to provide for leave from program for humanitarian religious trip, retroactive effect
Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Licensure for Professional, licensure, graduation and experience qualifications for professional engineers, Sec. 34-11-4 am'd.
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs, areas outside corporate limits of any municipality, procedure for determining and humanely destroying or returning to owner, dog required to be kept in secure enclosure, penalties, const. amend.
City of Huntsville Federal Building Authority, BRAC distributions from State of Alabama authorized for financing infrastructure and improvements in certain areas of North Alabama impacted by 2005 Base Realignment and Closure
Housing authorities, municipal and county, authorized to purchase property for public housing, approval of city council or county commission, Secs. 24-1-28, 24-1-67 am'd.
First Stop, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Businesses or public employers, reguired to verify legal status of new employees through federal E-verify program, penalties
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Institutions of higher education, requiring students to live on campus, prohibited
Office of Administrative Hearings, established, State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings, established, consolidation of Administrative Law Judge and hearing officers, appointment of Chief Administrative Law Judge and Administrative Law Judge, duties, appropriation
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Elections, person who is convicted of certain election offense prohibited from serving in certain capacities
Human trafficking, coercion or deception causing a person to work or to perform services having financial value or to perform certain sexual activities, prohibited, criminal penalties, Representatives Jack Williams and Merika Coleman Act (2010-20826)
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Aliens, illegal, forfeiture of property acquired while illegal alien, procedures, exceptions
Motor vehicles, driving without license or insurance or proof of legal entry into the United States, motor vehicle may be impounded, Secs. 32-6-18, 32-7A-4 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Assault in the second degree, utility workers included as a protected class, utility worker defined, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2009-586, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Madison Co., rock quarries, location near schools regulated outside corporate limits of municipality
Counties and municipalities, development of blighted areas, tax increment districts, extended to enhanced use lease areas which are under utilized areas on military base leased by secretary of a military department, taxes on incremental increase in value of development paid to finance development, Enhanced Use Lease Area Act, Secs. 40-9E-1, 40-9E-2 added; Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-10, 40-18-70 am'd.
Boats, including outboard motors and parts, vessel trailer, identification numbers and registration, altering prohibited, penalties including illegal possession, forfeiture
Library boards, county and municipal boards, additional members, terms, Sec. 11-90-2 am'd.
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Public education employees and law enforcement officers, offenses committed in the line of duty, arrest warrants, procedures for arrest
Elections, photo identification required, Public Safety Department required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Corrections Department, certain correctional officers authorized to participate in Deferred Retirement Option Plan after meeting certain requirements, Sec. 36-27-170 am'd.
State of Alabama, counties and municipalities prohibited from issuing business licenses without proof of citizenship or legal status in United States
Social Security number and birth date, person recording required and judge of probate authorized to redact, remove or make illegible on marriage licenses and public documents, Sec. 12-13-22 am'd.
Competitive bids, exemption granted to Legislature, certain colleges and universities, and Postsecondary Education Department for professional services, removed, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Municipal public housing authorities, eminent domain power deleted, purchase of property authorized only for public housing purposes, five-year plan and annual recommendations, submission to city council and county commission if authority serves part of county, public hearing and approval, Secs. 24-1-28, 24-1-43 am'd.
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Campaign contributions, reports required to include occupation and name of employer of contributor, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.; Act 2009-751, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
State agencies, Internet database of state expenditures, Comptroller to include subcontracts and purchase orders, Act 2009-750, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 41-4-65 am'd.
Secretary of State, required to post on website proposed statewide constitutional amendments and to provide a discussion platform with the capability to allow readers to offer comments in an interactive format
Elections, political candidates, campaign contributions and expenditures, failure to file final or annual campaign finance report, penalties, Sec. 17-17-35 am'd. (2010-20086)
Vital statistics, birth certificates, State Registrar required to issue Certificate of Foreign Birth for any person adopted under any other jurisdiction within or outside of United States, Sec. 22-9A-12 am'd.
Medical savings accounts, established, limits on deductible amounts contributed, interest excluded from gross income, use of funds, withdrawals, distribution upon death of account holder, Medical Savings Account Act
Public officials or spouses of public officials, names and compensation of those who are employed by or have contracts with a municipality, a county, or the state, public disclosure required, filing with Ethics Commission, Sec. 36-25-5.1 added
Income tax, research and development tax credit based on federal income tax credit, Sec. 40-18-180 added
Tennessee Valley Authority, payments in-lieu-of-taxes, redistribution of the payments to dry counties and municipalities under existing law to counties served by TVA, certain increases in liquor tax receipts distributed to dry counties and municipalities, Sec. 40-28-2 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld global positioning system (GPS) while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties
Elections, right of individuals to vote by secret ballot guaranteed, Amendment 579 (Section 177, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.

Appropriations, pass-through appropriations, defined and prohibited, exception for valid support of agency programs, administrative and criminal penalties for violations by agencies, line-item appropriations authorized, reporting requirements, Budget Accountability Act
Political action committees, transfer of funds between prohibited, transfers between principal campaign committees, prohibited, exceptions, certain receipts and expenditures of campaign funds from federal candidates limited, penalties, Congressman Mike Rogers/Jeff McLaughlin Campaign Finance Transparency Act, Secs. 17-5-7, 17-5-15 am'd. (2010-21164)

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